My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2385: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (3)

"Well, you are courageous, then now I will give you an analysis. Ian will die here, what will happen..." Qin Chu finished, straight up and continued, "First, Ian organization Those subordinates will riot, and they will take revenge at all costs. You know that Ian’s organization, the most famous terrorist organization, let the FBI be helpless, and cultivate N multi-human bombs every year. It has created the most famous Palestinian. Aircraft hijacking cases, as well as the 2009 Syrian reactionaries bombing the residence of a head of state... they did it, they had an amazing amount of explosives, and the most fanatical terrorism, if Ian died here, then we The city... From then on, the terrorists have come to travel for two days, and they can no longer get a peace of mind...even, they will hurt the country’s interests..."

Gao Ran listened, licked the dry lips, but could not refute a word.

Because he knows that Qin Chu has never been a person who is willing to be alarmist, and every word he says is pervaded.

"The next step is Ian's family... Ian has a brother-in-law called Nalo, who is the largest mafia leader in Germany, and has a good relationship with the gangs of the world. He is closely related to the gangster Yamaguchi group of an island country. The news that my brother died here is going out, and I can't get through on the face. You think he will stop here... It will not only kill you, but also the snipers and his family who are involved, as well as your home Lingling and Bo. Far... you have to think about it, do you really want them to live the days of being chased by people afterwards?"

"I... I certainly don't want to, but is there no other way? We just sit and wait?" Gao Ran is also a special embarrassment, especially tangled.

"Of course not, I mean... even if I want to get rid of Ian, I can't be here... I can't reveal my identity... I can't be caught by people..." Qin Chu said.

"But where is it so easy?" Gao Ran was annoyed.

"It is not easy, so he is the leader of the terrorists who are frightened." Qin Chu is very calm to see Ian's things.

"At that moment, I will do nothing?" Gao Ran has been a policeman for many years, and for the first time has such a serious sense of frustration.

"You don't be too true, I will find a way to let Ian leave as soon as possible... He is here, it is also a heart disease for me."

"Well, what you said does make sense. It seems... deploying a sniper ambushing his plan can only be temporarily stranded..." Gao sighed slightly.

"Brother, cheer up... and Ian, we will have a war sooner or later... Believe me." Before Qin Chu left, he took a high shoulder.

When Qin Chu went back to the city bureau, it was already late at night.

The twins were already asleep, and when he entered the bedroom, Huo Mian was also sleepy.

"Is it back?" Hearing the movement, Huo Mian turned lazy.

"Wife... Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, what gift do you want?" Qin Chu kissed Huo Mian's forehead.

"All old wives and old wives, what other gifts..." Huo Mian was obsessed with perfunctory.

"Well... then you sleep." Qin Chu took off his shirt and hugged him from behind.

Russia, a suburb of Moscow

"Call Joe to go around, see me, immediately..." Lu Yan turned over the breakfast table, and the tableware fell to the ground.

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