My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2386: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (4)

"Mrs. Three Little Lady asked for anger, and the Lord is really not in Moscow now..." The housekeeper was also embarrassed.

"Less this lie to fool the three-year-old child to fool me, the ghost believes? Tell Joe metamorphosis, if you don't come to see me, don't blame me for blasting it here..." Lu smoke is really impatient.

Although Joe perverted to help him look after the situation in the country, but the one who killed thousands of knives did not know where to die?

No one told her what the country is like? Ian’s dead metamorphosis has gone?

Are there any injuries to my sister and twins?

She feels that she will continue to live in Moscow so much, and she will go crazy sooner or later.

She has always had a bad impression of people in this country. The people here rarely smile and the people are very indifferent.

And the male is superior to the female, most men drink alcohol at home, doing nothing, let the wife go out to work to earn money, the **** is enough.

Fortunately, Qiao's family is Chinese, otherwise, Lu Yan will not have a bit of contact with Joe.

"Mr. Shao, what I said is true..." The housekeeper was about to cry, and was busy explaining it to Lu Yan.

"Less come, I am not your young lady, I haven't gotten married yet... I don't want to put gold on your Joe's face... I am mad at me... I have all banged you here..." Lu Yan and Huo Mian are just right. On the contrary, it is a temper.

If you don’t agree, you will blow up...

Being good at studying explosives is also a hobby for Luyan.

In the years when she was separated from the old man, she had to force herself to study various high-quality bombs in order to avoid the pursuit.

From the very beginning, killing a person is a sneak peek. Later, when hundreds of people were killed, they didn’t feel a little.

This really needs a very strong inner heart...

At this time, Luyan’s mobile phone rang, and her mobile phone is the most advanced one, just like the old lady.

The watch replaces everything, and when you call, it shows the virtual influence of the other party.

Lu Yan endured anger and pressed the answer button.

A sleek face in a blue Russian military uniform immediately emerged.

"Smoke, don't bully people..."

"Bullying the next person? Is your family bullying me? Look at me like a prisoner, Joe Fei... Do you want to die? Did you run to the waves, leave me alone to drink the northwest wind, Moscow? The temperature is frozen into a dog in minutes... The old lady is not staying... know?" Lu Yan’s head covered his face.

But Joe is not a bit angry.

I did not answer the question of Luyan, but said directly, "Your sister is fine, and the twins are safe."

"Nothing? What about Ian? Is it still in City C?" Lu Yan was in a hurry.

" Still." Joe did not return.

"No, he doesn't leave for a day, I can't help it..." Lu Yan heard that Ian didn't leave, still worried.

"Smoke, I am in Brazil now, talk about something, wait for me to go back, if you are not at ease, I will accompany you to C City immediately, can you?"

When Joe is facing the land smoke, he will have such patience. The tone is like a child.

I thought that Luyan would not agree, but did not want her to change the normal.

"Well, this is the only way, you can come back soon."

"Okay." After finishing the good word, Joe Fei hung up the phone.

"Little lady, we didn't lie to you? The Lord is really not in Moscow, right?" The housekeeper's face was wronged.

"Well." Lu Yan nodded thoughtfully.

"Then let's have breakfast soon... we will make another one for you."

"Well, let's go busy." Lu Yan waved his hand and then turned to the floor.

In the bedroom, after confirming that there is not any bugs, Luyan opens the address book of the watch.

Quietly dialed a number in the past...

"BOSS...please indicate" the man at the end of the phone is respectful.

"You are now carrying the ghost number 1 in my first safe and I am in Ian's branch in Indonesia."

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