My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2391: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (9)

The land smoke reaction was extremely fast. At the moment of turning the head, the muzzle on the right hand was already aimed at the person's waist.

Because of the obstruction of loose coats, it did not attract the attention of people coming and going.

"Qiao Fei?" After seeing the person behind him was Joe Fei, Lu Yan first slammed, then he took the pistol.

"Where are you going?" Joe's eyes no longer have tenderness and tenderness, but with a hint of anger.

"Leave here... screaming everywhere..." Lu Yan licked his lower lip and dismissed it.

"Have you liked such a day?" Joe asked her.

"Oh... do you like to have any difference? Anyway, I am used to this kind of life..." Lu Yan was separated from the old man because of his identity. He fled everywhere, and he still concealed his identity at the time of M. When I read the West Point Military Academy, it was the most stop-and-death... I graduated and took the school’s small partner, perhaps setting up a mercenary group.

In just a few years, it has risen within the realm and has become a mercenary with a high ranking in the world.

Lu Yan also got a famous code - Miss Two.

In the mercenary community and the killer world, if you say Luyan, probably few people know.

Speaking of Miss Two, that is a slap in the face. Some legendary events about this girl have also been circulating in the world.

Even become the idol of many newcomers... and the object of worship.

"Follow me back..." Qiao Fei pulled out the hands of the smoke, and forced the anger of his heart.

"Let me go, I won't go back..." Lu Yan struggled to break free.

"Do you want to die? Do you know how much trouble you have caused?" Joe looked at the land with his teeth.

Even if it is so angry, she is not willing to marry her...

"Know, I am not bombing Ian's branch, it is not the old nest... What are you afraid of?" Lu Yan's temper has always been fearless... even if Wang Laozi came, it is this appearance, since childhood The blood on the tip of the knife has been used to it.

"More than that... You have also caught the attention of the Indonesian government... and the attention of various Western agents. It is said that Indonesia has already opened a billion dollars in dark flowers and wants your head..." The next sentence is directly said, Xiaoyan, you can have a long snack...

"One billion dollars? Is it really a trick? The aging mother's head is worth one billion? It's too small to look at me..." Lu Yan seems to focus not on his own reward, but instead blames the other party for too little money. It is also the best.

"One billion dollars... is already the top price in the industry... Xiaoyan, your life... The world's killers are all in mind... You have become the target of everyone's pursuit... I promise you just go out of Russia... Where are you going to be chased in minutes..." Joe did not calmly help him analyze the situation.

"Isn't this normal? I have lived on such a day since I was a few years old... If there is no one to chase me any day, then he is not normal..." Lu smoke chewed chewing gum and did not care about Joe Fei. the words said.

"So... you don't care if you live or die?" Joe couldn't tell, this grandmother just wanted to go out and play.

"If you are afraid of death, there will be no land smoke today... Joe metamorphosis, do you know me on the first day? Don't ask such an idiot question?" The little girl fangs and fangs retorted.

Joe is really going to be bombed... but this is not the most angry. The most angry thing is what Lu Yan said next.

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