My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2392: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (10)

"Joe metamorphosis... Thank you for taking this time... but I am gone... If I can still live and die, I will not die... I have a chance to thank you... Yes, I have told people to take me. The munitions that were intercepted in Mexico before were brought to you by cruise ship... The captain is a very reliable friend of mine... You can safely accept the goods. According to the market price, there are hundreds of millions of goods. But this time I don’t want to give you money, just when I am living and living here for you... Bye..."

After that, Lu Yan lowered the black cap on his head and turned to walk towards the crowd, hurriedly boarding.

"Lu Yan... Do you have any heart..." Joe looked at the back of the girl with a painful look, only to feel very uncomfortable.

"Less Lord... What should we do now?" Looking at Joe's non-stained green face, his subordinates followed.

"Block her... at all costs."

Qiao Fei is particularly aware of what Lu Yan will face after he leaves Russia.

He will never let her take the risk, whether she wants it or not, this sensitive moment must be left in Russia.

After Joe's order was finished, several of his men rushed over and started to work on Luyan.

"What do you want to do?" Lu smoke looked at them with vigilance.

"Little lady, offended..." Several people said that they had embraced it.

Luyan’s eyes are going to board the plane, but they are entangled. It’s also mad to die...

With these people at the airport, the police at the airport and the police who maintained the order immediately came.

After seeing Joe Fei here, he immediately stopped.

"My people do things, you don't need to intervene... Go back." Joe didn't drink coldly.

The police and security guards have all quit a few tens of meters...

Lu Yanyan continued to be entangled, the plane could not catch up, but in desperation, only took out the pistol.

"I don't want to shoot, don't force me... let me go..."

When Lu Yan’s words were just finished, I only felt a numb on my neck...

It turned out that Joe was a good master with a hidden weapon and used several anesthesia needles for her.

Luyan because they are their own people, did not want to fight with them, so neglected, directly in the move and then fell down...

Joe Fei immediately rushed up and hugged her before she landed.

"Go home." Then he said two words.

After settled in Luyan, Joe Fei made a phone call with Lu Yan’s father, Professor Lu.

Then he made a phone call with Qin Chu, telling Lu Yan that the disaster was caused, and told him that Ian should not go to C city for the time being.

To be honest, Qin Chu was shocked after listening to it.

He didn't know how powerful this ghost 1 was, but it allowed Ian to leave the city C quickly. He had to say that the devastating nature must be strong. Lu smoke used this method to transfer Ian and protect his sister and twins.

But I also put myself in danger... If Huo Mian knows, she must be sad.

"If Xiaomian knows that Luyan does this, he will die inside." Qin Chu slowly knows.

"Then don't tell my sister... Lu Yan's temper... Tianwang Laozi can't say it, but I know that she really wants to protect her sister and children regardless of the consequences..."

"Thank you for the Lu smoke for me..." Qin Chu is really grateful for everything that Lu Yan has done.

"Brother, we are all family, we don't have to be so polite."

"What should I do next? The situation of Luyan must be very dangerous?" I heard that the Indonesian government has issued a billion-dollar purchase of land-smoke, and Qin Chu is still quite worried.

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