My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2394: Domineering Valentine's Day (2)

"Less master... The lord asked you to go to the old house and go over and deal with some things." His whisper was in the ear of Joe.

"Well." Joe nodded and got up.

"Qiao Fei..." Lu Yan shouted unwillingly.

Joe Fei stopped, but did not look back, a silver hair in the sun shines more dazzling.

Who can think of such a beautiful young man with a temperament and a cold, is actually the youngest gang of Russia?

It is a bloodthirsty teenager who can kill alone at the age of seven...

He and Lu Yan have a very similar childhood and life, so they will cherish each other.

So when he first saw Luyan, he felt that she might be the rib that was lost in his own body.

People, once they have something they care about, have things they are determined to do, and those who are deeply in love.

The days will be much better...

For Joe Fei, Lu Yan is the goal he has been alive for, and the only one who makes him feel that the world is a little bit better, but the girl does not know the importance of himself in his heart.

Seeing that Joe had to leave, he had to be kept in custody, and Luyan was in a hurry.

Trying to convince Joe Fei...

So she put away the usual cynical side, she said seriously. "Joe... You can't take me in, I will bring you trouble... Ian will not stop killing me, this time I am mad. He, he will not let me go... The Indonesian government will not let me go, there is a reward of one billion dollars, I think the killers all over the world will be willing to take my head... You leave me, is a Disaster, I will be tired of you... So let me go, really."

Adding a real sentence at the end, I want to emphasize with Joe Fei, she is not joking, it is very serious.

After Joe Fei finished listening, he was silent for three seconds...

Then turned to look at Lu Yan, his eyes gradually softened.

"If you are afraid... I won't take you in the first place... Xiaoyan... You remember, if one day the world betrayed you... then I will betray the world with you."

After saying this, Joe Fei turned to the door...

Leave a stupid land smoke...

"Is this guy telling me?" Lu smokes dumbfounded.

"Little lady... Our young master is really single-minded to you... from small to big, I have never seen him who is so good to whom... Of course, the only woman who can be close to him in these years, except for the mother who died. you must cherish it..." The steward who stayed to take care of Luyan must shout for Joe.

Lu Yan took a deep breath...

In fact, she knows that Joe is leaving her with good intentions, but if she continues to stay.

Joe’s family will have a big problem... Russia will not be a permanent harbor.

Ian was not willing to come to Russia to arrest people because he was scrupulous about the power of Qiao’s family and was not willing to offend Joe’s family.

But this time, she has caused such a big disaster, Ian will be angry.

When you get crazy, where do you care about Joe’s family?

And as a leader in the mercenary world, hiding here to make a tortoise is really not the character of Luyan.

Her hot personality is that she would rather die and not be willing to hide behind others and steal.

Five o'clock in the morning

Huo Mian and Qin Chu drove Tang Chuan and Qin Ning personally to the airport.

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