My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2395: Domineering Valentine's Day (3)

Then when driving back, Li Shu had prepared breakfast for them.

The couple had a comfortable breakfast, and Qin Chu thought of the news that he told himself last night.

I took a look at Huo Mian, "Ian has left here."

"Ah, how fast?" Huo Mian was a little surprised, holding a hand full of buttered bread and a little pause.

"How? Listen to what you mean, still can't bear the same..." Qin Chu teased her.

"Go and go... I have it, I just think he came to us, it shouldn't be for travel... Maybe it's for doing something, killing several people in a row... How can I leave so easily, it doesn't always matter Is it afraid that the police will catch him?" Huo Yin guessed.

"Of course not, how can people like him fear the police..."

"What is it that is willing? Strange..." Huo Mian lowered his head and pondered.

Qin Chu did not dare to tell that Hun Mian was made by Lu Yan, because she would definitely worry about land smoke.

So it’s just a perfunctory return. “Ian’s people are not too leisurely. His terrorists can’t wait for the whole world to should there be something else to make him interested? of."

"That's great...we don't have to worry about it...just...the pity of the innocent people who died, Ian killed people and can't go away, really unwilling...and Mo Xue Child, she was so lucky, I never thought that she would die in Ian’s hands..."

"Ian's people... doing all the bad things, will be condemned sooner or later..." Qin Chu comforted Huo Mian.

"That... my husband, can I go back to work?" When I thought about the alarm, Huo Mian immediately asked excitedly.

"Well, you can go back to work tomorrow." Qin Chu slowly ate the omelette and bowed his head.

"Why not?" Huo Mian’s eyes widened.

"Today, you accompany me to a place... we still have a lot to sit..."

"Where?" Huo Mian’s curiosity was suddenly hooked up.

Qin Chu did not wait to answer, he heard the footsteps behind him.

It turned out that both parents and twins woke up.

"Daddy and Mommy are getting worse and worse. They always secretly eat breakfast here... don't call us..." Douding went down sleepy, and the little donkey on his head picked it up. Especially funny.

"Not because you started late... We both have to go to work, so naturally eat earlier..." Huo Mian looked at Douding and laughed.

"Hold up and hold..." After the peas were close to Qin Chu, they opened two small arms that were meaty.

Qin Chu spoiled her daughter directly.

Bean Ding is on the cheek of Qin Chu...

"Good morning, sly, I love you."

"Hey, Bean Ding is very abnormal today... What is the situation? Is it a disaster?" Huo Mian looked at her daughter in the morning and spoke with a slap in the face and then confessed that it was not normal.

"You make me look at my mouth... Bean Ding." Qin Chu looked at her daughter with a funny smile.

"Hey, the flattering began to flatter again, beware... there are scams." Pudding squatted beside Huo, laughing and reminding Dad.

"Don't listen to her... I just slept very well last night, and my mood was very good, so it was like this..." Douding explained.

Qin Chu looks at me and knows your eyes...

"Hey, I want to eat that... Grilled intestines..." Douding reached out.

Qin Chu immediately forked the sausage with a fork and then handed it to her daughter's mouth.

"Be careful..." his gentle reminder.

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