My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2410: The pressure of Huo Siqian (eight)

"Su Yuge...I..." She was not mentally prepared, and she was sprayed by Su Yu.

"Don't be one of Su Yuge, I am giving you a face, I am willing to say something to you, say hello...but people can't shame their face..." After that, Su Yu got up and kicked himself to sit. The chair, got up and left.

Xiao Anmo’s got up and followed behind...

Looking at the boss's face, Xiaoan knows if it is because Wei Ying is a sister of Wei Liao and a woman.

It is estimated that the boss has long been worried...

"Ying Ying... What happened? How to make Su Shao get angry? Are you not very familiar?" The net red whispered.

"Who do you know him?" Wei Ying was full of grievances.

Out of the bar, Su Yu is not in a mood.

"Xiao, send me back to the villa, then you drive my car home and pick me up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, boss."

Xiao An saw that the boss was in a bad mood and did not dare to say more.

Directly drive Su Yu back to the private villa.

When Su Yu came out of the shower, she saw a lot of news from WeChat.

Most of them are red envelopes and blessings from company artists, as well as some red envelopes from the buddies.

Su Yu opened a little, then saw the red envelope of Nie Ling’s hair, which was 520.

He frowned slightly, and transferred his hand to Nie Ling to return a red envelope. The direct transfer was 888.

"Thank you, Mr. Su." After receiving the red envelope, Nie Lingqi sent a smile and looked good.

"Work well, the company will not treat you badly, you are smart people... I hope not to follow the simple footsteps." Su Yu rarely said too much with female artists.

In the latter sentence, Nie Lingzhen suddenly fell into meditation, she did not know what Su Yu said in the end.

Just let her not be as high-key as Jane, or don't let him hang around like Jane?

"Early rest, Su total, good night." Nie Lingyi did not dare to say more, only quietly said a good night.

Su Yu did not reply to her.

Su Yu took the mobile phone, brushed the circle of friends, and then repeatedly looked at the head of Huo Mian.

It was a family portrait of their family of four. I don’t know when to shoot. The family of four wore national clothes.

Qin Chu wore a blue robes, and Huo Mian wore a blue cheongsam and a vintage hair bun, which was extraordinarily elegant.

The two little guys are also dressed in the Republic of China, the same small cheongsam, Meng turned over.

Such a happy family of four...

Su Yu slightly sighs... Thinking for a long time, open the head of Huo Mian.

In the input field - Happy Valentine's Day.

However, after writing it, I felt that it was wrong and deleted it directly... In the end, he did not say anything to Huo Mian.

He knew that he should not bother her, and he missed it silently, perhaps they were the best.

late at night

Huo Siqian's recent sleep quality is getting worse and worse. He turned over and walked into the study in a gorgeous nightgown.

Open the drawer, take out a bottle of white medicine, and then take out the three or four tablets in a trembling hand and eat it.

Although the doctor suggested that he should only eat one in a day, but now one has no effect on him.

You must increase your tactics...

Huo Siqian took off the gold-rimmed glasses and sat at the desk in the study.

There have been many recent incidents, especially the death of Mo Xueer, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He even repeatedly thought that if she did not hold Mo Xueer and did not let her go this way, then her ending would certainly not be so bad.

Ian gave him a month... Now it’s counting down.

So... what exactly is he going to do?

"Small sleep... my little sleep... You tell me, what should I do?" Huo Siqian looked at the single photo of Huo Mian, and muttered to himself.

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