My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2411: The pressure of Huo Siqian (9)

On a rare day like Valentine's Day, Huo Siqian didn't have any movements, didn't send text messages, and didn't call Huo Mian.

Even more rare, did not send any gifts, unexpected calm.

"Boss, don't we have to prepare Miss Valentine for Valentine's Day?" Huo Siqian's confidant knows his obsession with Huo Mian.

"Today is Valentine's Day, I am not a lover with her... I will not follow the wind to prepare a gift." Huo Siqian said to play with the two walnuts in his hand.

"Yes, yes, you and Miss Huo are relatives... Naturally, they are more than people can't compare."

But it is very useful...

Huo Siqian smiled in a rare way. "Yes, I am a relative of her life... I will be entangled in my life."

Holmes has been low-key recently, although it was monitored by the police because of the accident at home and Mo Xueer’s death.

But there is really no discovery. Horsham has always been a good law-abiding citizen.

When Mo Xueer died, he also followed the wishes of the fans and gave fun to the funeral of Mo Xueer.

It gave the Mo family a lot of money. If you didn't know, he thought that Huo Siqian would be a philanthropist.

After the two worlds of Huo Mian and Qin Chu, it is already more than nine o'clock in the evening.

It is rare that the twins have no rest and play with their grandparents in the living room.

Bean Ding has always been a noisy one, these days I like to buy a balance car, I am enjoying it.

The pudding played a few times and felt bored, then leaned on the sofa to play with the phone.

"Pudding, you can't play mobile games... It will be nearsighted... When you wear glasses, you look so good, wearing glasses has more influence..." Grandma scared the pudding.

"Grandma... I don't play games, I'm watching financial consultation... It will help tomorrow's stock market. In addition, what age is it now, myopia can be corrected? The whole surgery is only twenty seconds. It’s the top of the United States, zero mistakes and zero pain... So, you... don’t worry about us.” Pudding smiled and comforted her grandmother.

"This child..." Mrs. Qin is also helpless.

"Grandma, don't persuade your sister, you can say, she can top ten... As the third-highest person in our family's IQ... No one can cure her except for the land and Mommy..." Playing the balance car and persuading my grandmother.

Old children, small children, a lively scene...

"You two little people are fine... No wonder your grandmother said... I can't keep up with your thoughts... It seems that our generation is really old... This is a granddaughter... It’s all fast. The granddaughter looked at us..." Mrs. Qin smiled.

"You see that the two of them are so shrewd, and where they seem to be able to suffer, we should not worry about it... Children and grandchildren have their own children..." Grandpa looked at the twins with sorrow.

"Grandpa, tell the truth... Have you ever thought about a grandson?" Douding naughtyly slipped the balance car to Grandpa and glared at his neck and asked.

"Oh, this is a problem that offends people. Grandpa can't answer." Qin is still not confused, knowing that it is a trap and simply does not answer.

"Haha, Grandpa, let's talk, I am not angry... my sister will not be angry. We both discussed this issue privately... Don't think that the two of us are so superficial? Don't let my aunt have a second child. That is what a childish child can do?" Douding rolled his eyes.

"Small things, you are smart..." Grandma is enjoying her side.

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