My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2414: Your daughter is so cute (2)

"Xiaomian, I know that you also want to get rid of Huo Siqian. You and Qin Chu have been collecting evidence and want to bring him to justice. It is also the crime of the death of Song and poetry in the same year... but you never thought about it. If he really has a mental illness... the crime of murder will not be established. Our country’s laws have this loophole, and patients with mental illnesses will not be legally responsible..."

"How do I know if he is loaded, or is it really sick? This specific need to convince the department to identify ... not that he eats a few bottles of medicine, insomnia a few times, it proves that he is sick." Huo Mian felt that Huo Wei took things Thinking too simple.

"I don't care if he is sick. All I want to do is... let him die." Huo Wei said in a word, his eyes showed deep hatred.

Looking at the hatred in Huo Xing's heart, Huo Mian is not surprised, because she knew at the outset that Huo Wei tried his best to be with Shen Mingxi. It was definitely not to be as simple as admiring him, nor to enjoy the prosperity of wealth.

A large part of the reason is to avenge Huo Siqian.

"Oh, I know that you hate him, and you know that you want revenge, but Hossein is not so easy to pull down..." Because I knew Ian’s relationship, Hung Mian felt that Huo Siqian was not so good. .

"Small sleep, are you soft-hearted? I know that Huo Siqian has always liked you... In these years, even if he did a lot of jerk, it is only for us... He is always full of love for you. ...even even willing to give you a heart, the last time Si Yi kidnapped you, I heard that he almost died for you can’t bear to start with him, right?"

"No, that's two things. No matter how he treats me, the damage to us before will not be wiped out... My husband has been separated from me for four years, in a foreign country, and there are old wounds on his legs... these are also It is thanks to him, I have not forgotten."

"Then let's join help me, get rid of him for minutes, even if we can't kill him directly, we can let him have nothing... at least get back everything that belongs to our Huo family... without losing him The wolf heart dog's adopted son... Dad is not very good to him in these years, but he is also in our Huo's parents... How can he start his father's heart... If not, my mother and Siyi... It won't fall to the point of today... I hate him."

When Huo Wei said that he was excited, he was in tears.

Huo Mian knows that she is not pretending, because she does not need to wear it in front of Huo Mian.

"Oh, your mind, I know... but Horsham is not that simple... there is more power behind him... I have to look at the owner when I play the dog. I don’t want to be awkward, but at least not sure. Before, I didn't dare to act rashly... My husband has been collecting evidence of his crimes for so long, and there is a lot of evidence, but he has been waiting for an opportunity to wait for a suitable opportunity..."Huo Mian has no way to directly Ian The whole thing is out.

Only concealed to tell Huo Wei, there is a bigger master behind Huo Siqian.

Unfortunately, Huo Wei seems to be not interested in these, all she wants is to avenge herself.

"Well, since you don't want to... then I will do it myself... In short, I won't let him go." Huo Wei sighed slightly.

"Don't say it anymore, I understand your situation... that's it, disturbing." Huo Wei seems to be unhappy because Huo Mian did not agree to join forces, and he was cold-faced when he left.

Huo Mian can only sigh slightly, she also has her helplessness.

On the other side, the twins followed their grandparents and the bodyguards to go to a high-end restaurant to eat abalone.

I didn't want to, I happened to meet Huo Xiqian who was here to dine with the guests.

"Wow... my darlings, I haven't seen you for a long time..." Horsham knelt down, looking at a pair of twins at close range.

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