My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2415: Your daughter is so cute (3)

"I can't eat a meal for thousands of years, I can meet you when I have a meal. It's alive..." This is the original words of Pudding.

Perhaps it is the inheritance of Huo Mian's calmness and Qin Chu's arrogance, so the pudding is born with a strong gas field, and it is not afraid of the day. It was originally kidnapped by the Huo Shiyi people, and also knew the surrounding environment. Convinced to be a big man.

I have to say that this child is really not...

"Looks like you don't really like me..." Hossie laughed.

Mrs. Qin and Qin Qin were busy chatting with friends and did not notice that there was an intersection between Huo Siqian and their granddaughters.

"Crap... You know, our sisters are more heavy than seeing the grave every time they see you, but they know why, are you a fool?" Douding asked politely.

"Doudou, you talk to you like this... Is it too rude?"

"Sorry, I have never been like you... don't put gold on your face..." Douding turned his head.

"Doudou, I thought... After the last thing, you will change my mind, after all... we are experiencing life and death, belonging to the revolutionary friendship..." Huo Siqian and Bean Ding are close to each other.

"Catch... You don't want to be close to me... isn't that the same? If we are in this kind of confrontation, even if we experience ten life and death... I won't change you. After all, you are a time. Everyone who wants to turn my mom away... Big bad guys." Douding said, still not forgetting his eyes.

However, Huo Siqian was not angry at all, and even thought that the sisters were too cute.

"Haha... I really want to turn your mommy right... It's because your mommy is so good. Su Yu doesn't have that idea too... but you are so good to him, it's not fair. Hossock was slightly jealous.

Everyone is chasing after sleep, all are Qin Chu love.

Based on what Su Yu can enjoy the cognac level treatment in the twins, but this is the same as the name of Huo Mian.

But was it a big bad guy by two little guys? This is too unwilling, right?

"Please, don't compare you with Su Shuai, okay? You really don't deserve..." Pudding has a deep feeling for Su Yu, so he is very reluctant to reject Ho Shiqian, and he is compared with Su Yu.

Even, they feel that being mentioned at the same time as Su Yu’s name is a kind of embarrassment to Su Yu.

"That can compare with us Su Shuai, first of all, you have no love at all... Nothing is kind, three is not right, people like you are so big, can't find a wife, no parents yet In the side, there are no children, it is right... In the future, it is also alone. There is no end to the end of the old age... The words of the old grandfather under the bridge are: the star of the sky... Yes, it is the broom star."

"Oh... a young age is really vicious. This is really not like your mother, at least she is gentler than you." Huo Siqian continued to smile.

"My mommy doesn't know anything about you? Let's go away, don't block our way... I'm sick..." Douding was a little impatient, pulling her sister around Hossein, too lazy to talk to him. Say one more sentence.

"Pudding Bean Ding, you keep up... we go upstairs to the private room." Qin Jia Er Lao did not pay attention to Huo Siqian.

I only knew that I was watching my granddaughter, and then the group went upstairs.

"Boss, are you going to catch the two children? This is a good opportunity. They brought two bodyguards and a waste driver who is not used. We will succeed in getting it. When the children are in hand, they are not afraid. Miss Huo does not listen to you."

Huo Xiqian's men, especially understand the boss's heart, tried to give a good idea, so that the boss's appreciation.

Huo Siqian did not speak, but turned silently...

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