My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2424: I am willing to drift away from you (2)

A group of big beggars followed him, and he also exaggeratedly pulled up the banner, writing - the sinful capitalist, Holstein ate people without spitting bones.

At the same time, there are a large number of media reports on this matter.

Holmes Group Headquarters, President's Office

"Huo, what should I do now?" Huo Siqian's assistant also remembers to turn around.

Huo Siqian’s gloomy face doesn’t open...

Just now his person has found out that Du Zhili’s **** has already left the country.

If you go to another place, you can find a little, but he is going to the Golden Triangle, where the dragons and snakes are mixed.

It is too difficult to find someone.

Du Zhili was not a day or two in Holmes, and suddenly broke the news, which really surprised him.

Three hundred million is not much for him, that is, nine cattle and one hair.

But the bad is bad after the news is exposed, the social reaction, the reaction of the investors.

And the turmoil in the Huo’s stock market...

"Huo Zong, you said... This time, isn't Qin Chu looking for someone to do it? After all, he has always been our rival, maybe he bought Du Zhili to hang us, not necessarily."

“What about Du Zhili’s family?” Huo Siqian asked coldly.

"All of them ran. People went to the building. He didn't have any money in the domestic bank card. The house was also sold. It seems that this was planned long ago. Huo, we must be designed by people. It’s not accidental.”

"Of course I know this is not accidental..." Huo Siqian gloomy face.

"What do you do now? The people outside are still making trouble, the impact is very bad, are we going to blow them away?"

"No, a group of people, no one can look down on the storm..." Huo Siqian waved his hand.

When Holmes was in crisis, Huo Siqian was not in a hurry, but he was not as anxious to fear.

After all, people who have seen the big world.

C City, Hilton Western Restaurant

Huo Wei was wearing a flaming evening gown, squinting her hair and sitting opposite Shen Mingxi.

"This, for you to choose, do not know if you like it?" Shen Mingxi pushed over a small box.

It was Dio’s logo, and Huo Wei shyly smiled. “What is it?”

"You take a look."

Huo Wei slowly opened the box, inside is a pair of pearl earrings, white, with a lace pattern, very beautiful.

"so cute."

"It is said that it is a limited edition of the new season and I think it is right for you."

"Thank you, Ming Xi." Huo Xiao smiled.

"I will help you wear it?" Shen Mingxi finished, took the initiative to come over, and carefully put on pearl earrings for Huo Wei.

"Does it hurt?" Shen Mingxi asked softly.

"It doesn't hurt, the ear holes have been playing for many years, and I haven't felt it... you don't have to be so nervous." Huo Wei bit his lip and smiled.

"Haw's message, have you seen it?" After Shen Mingxi returned to her seat, she suddenly asked her.

"Amount... Is this scandal exposed today?" Huo Mian asked.


"Well, I saw that your company has lost a lot of money. It is said that the money that the person took away has the cooperation money of your company..." Huo Wei asked.

"Those are not important, the important thing is... Huo Siqian has already begun to be unlucky..." Shen Mingxi said one word at a time.

After listening to Huo Wei, she didn't speak because she didn't know what Shen Mingxi said about it. Is it tempting her, or what?

"Oh... I know that you hate Huo Siqian, I will help you revenge." Shen Mingxi looked at Huo Wei, and suddenly said affectionately.

Huo Wei gave a slight glimpse, she even had some flustered, she never said revenge, but she was always careful in front of him, but how did he know? Is it someone who confessed?

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