My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2425: I am willing to drift away from you (3)

"Ming Xi, in fact, I..." Huo Wei said halfway, paused, and the mood was quite complicated.

"You don't have to say, I understand, I know that you always have hate in your heart, and you know that you always want to find opportunities to take revenge... But hey, I don't believe you just approached me because of using me, come back to me. ......"

"Ming Xi..."

"Listen to me..." Shen Mingxi interrupted Huo's words.

Then continue to say, "I used to care too much about my feelings, I always busy my own things, so I ignored you... Now I want to come, two people together, we must understand each other, be tolerant, considerate... no matter what others say, you And sweet this time really brought me a lot of happiness, warmth, gave me the same feeling... In fact, even without you, Wei Ying and I are also determined to divorce... The family marriage was a mistake... Fortunately, I regret it now, I still have the opportunity to take care of you... So your lover is also my enemy, I will help you deal with Huo Siqian, after moving to him... I will marry you... Let you The bright and straight into our Shen family, rather than being shamelessly made by the people..." Shen Mingxi rarely said so much at one time.

So Huo Wei was really moved after listening to it.

"Ming Xi, you don't have to be like this... You are very good to me..." Huo Wei is somewhat guilty.

She likes Shen Mingxi to like it, but she does have the ingredients to use.

After Huo Siyi’s death, she even wanted Huo Siqian to die soon and hurry to take revenge.

It may also be that I am too anxious, so I showed my feet and was seen by Shen Mingxi.

So there is this conversation today.

"No, not enough... I want to be sweeter to you and sweeter in the future... Sweetness is not my daughter, but I will see myself as... I will not let your mother and daughter be bullied... Hoskin Just give it to are waiting for my good news."

Huo's look is complicated, just want to say something, Shen Mingxi's phone will ring.

"Are you here? Very good... I will let people give you the rest of the money, and hope that you can keep the promise, don't appear in the country again, don't get caught by Huo Siqian, or the gods can't save it. You..." After that, Shen Mingxi hung up.

Picking up the phone and sending a text message to the cronies, "The rest of the money was sent to Du Zhili."

Although he is the editor's text, Huo Wei can still hear the clues from his words.

After putting down the phone, Shen Mingxi smiled and looked at Huo Wei.

“Do you still have an appetite today?”

"Ming Xi...Haw's this time, is what you did?" Huo Jin now understands why Shen Mingxi said so much.

It turned out that he had already started to move, and at the beginning he gave Horshim a horse.

"Well." Shen Mingxi did not shirk and nodded directly.

"Ming Xi... Revenge is my own thing, I don't want to hurt you... Even if I do use your ingredients, but I just use your money, your network, I don't want to involve you... ..." Huo Wei said in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Shen Mingxi said with a low head.

"But I care... I can't do that, you are already good enough for me... I can't put you at risk, you may not know what kind of person Horshom is... you do it, once he notices, Will not let go of you... When you are at any time, you may be in danger of life... He will kill you..." Huo is anxious.

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