My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2426: I am willing to drift away from you (4)

"It's not that easy... Hey, I'm not a waste... Don't be so vulnerable to what I think... Who is Huo Siqian, I know very well... It's a Qin Chu who doesn't dare to do it easily. I know everyone."

"It's not only that simple. I have seen Huo Mian in private. She told me that there are more powerful people behind Huo Siqian. It is not that our identity can be provoked..." Huo Wei warned.

"How about that, letting go of the horse is, since I promised to avenge you, I will not back down... rest assured."

"But..." Huo Shuo had just wanted to say something.

It was interrupted by Shen Mingxi. "Hey, let's eat, it will be cold for a while."

Huo Wei is silent, but his mood is extremely heavy.

She really didn't want to involve Shen Mingxi, but now it is too late to say anything.

The more troubles of Holmes, the six o'clock at night, Huo Siqian himself held a press conference at a five-star hotel, giving a positive response to the matter.

Before the high-profile convergence of Horsham, he no longer wears a bright color suit, but instead puts on a heavy dark gray suit.

It seems to be a bit more calm than usual.

"Mr. Huo... What happened to your company this afternoon? Do you want to deal with such things? Du Zhili did what he did, or benefited from you, please answer." The first question asked by the reporter is particularly sharp. .

Huo Siqian was not nervous, and his expression was very relaxed.

I lowered my head and leaned closer to the microphone. "To tell the truth, Du Zhili is an old employee of our family for many years. It was promoted by my father when he was alive. It is also a veteran of the Three Dynasties... I didn't expect him to suddenly make such a thing. I am deeply shocked by this result, and it is heartbreaking..."

"Huo, do you mean to clear up? You said that you will wash yourself for yourself?" another reporter asked blankly.

"This media friend is a bit funny. First of all, I am not black. Why do you want to wash it? Besides, I am not clear, I am telling the facts. If I know beforehand, I will not let this happen. Things happened. After all, in just a few hours today, Holmes evaporated five billion. That is my money. I don’t have to brainstorm to harm my own family?” Huo Siqian asked the reporter.

The reporter suddenly became speechless...

"Mr. Huo, Du Zhili suddenly did this for what reason? As far as I know... Holmes gave him a low salary. As a deputy director of finance, he also has a million-year salary...the family is in excellent condition. Not to do such a thing." Another reporter asked.

"We are also checking the reasons. I just learned that one news is that he took a business trip a week ago and went to the Sands Casino in Singapore and lost 180 million... so I want to be related to this. After all, the money he lost could not be his own, and he recently took over the project we worked with with Shen. He had a way to pick it up... but how it was done, it was copied from me. What is the card stealing brush? We have to wait for the public security organ to give the final result. We have already called the police. I hope that I can catch Du Zhili earlier, give it to our company, and give it to everyone."

"Mr. Huo, what are you going to do with Shen's side? Will you continue to cooperate?" Another reporter rushed to ask.

"Huo, you should drink your mouth first..." The female secretary behind me gently handed the mineral water.

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