My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2427: I am willing to drift away from you (5)

"Okay, thank you." Huo Siqian, an extremely gentleman, apologized to the female secretary and was seen by the audience in front of the TV. They all praised that Huo Siqian was very literate.

Huo Siqian took the mineral water, but did not take a drink, just casually placed at his hand.

Then righteously said, "About our partner Shen, we will definitely give the explanation, the money that Shen's was taken away by Du Zhili, I will take out the compensation from personal property... If Shen is willing to do so, I hope that this cooperation can continue. After all, our company attaches great importance to this cooperation, and it is our first cooperation with Shen. I hope that this result will satisfy Shen's."

Unexpectedly, Huo Siqian’s unexpected generosity was even willing to pay for his own compensation. This is indeed anomalous.

In front of the TV, Huo Wei looked at Huo Siqian's face coldly.

I looked at the water that he had just picked up and didn't drink. He sneered. "It really is very vigilant. Mo Xueer also said that it is easy to take medicine. It is simple. He is so suspicious, how can he just drink what others have given? Fortunately, she is not stupid enough to buy a female secretary, or if the water is taken away and checked, will she leave a handle?"

"Mr. Huo, after the opening of the market, the Holstein stock will continue to fall? Is there any plan for your company?"

"This we will hold a general meeting of shareholders tonight, and everyone thinks about the way, please be careful, I believe we will warm up soon, after all, we have always been a big company with good reputation, please Let us give us some time to let us handle these things properly."

"Mr. Huo, this time your company has an accident, will the mayor come over there? I heard that Miss Yan has a very good relationship with you. It is widely rumored that you are a relationship between men and women, and even some people have witnessed many times. Miss Yan has entered you late at night. Private villa, what do you think about this?"

"Today is the official business, private problems we Huo always do not answer, please be careful." Huo Siqian's assistant came forward to stop the reporter.

At this time, looking at the watch, Huo Siqian smiled and got up.

"Members of the media, today's answer is here, thank you for coming... I have made a drink at the Peony Hall, and I will help you, everyone please... Huo has something to do, go first."

Huo Siqian nodded and smiled and left the hotel.

Nanshan Castle.

Qin Chu, Huo Mian and her twin daughters watched TV and ate fruits and chips.

"This big bad guy is really hypocritical, and my heart is obviously unhappy. On the surface, I have to say so gorgeous. What is it called, right, the coat of animals..." Doudou said.

"Speaking of the coat of arms, are you insulting the animals?" The pudding corrected.

"Haha, sister is still awkward... you won." Douding smiled.

"Husband... Is this what you did?" Huo Mian asked with oranges and casually asked.

"not me……"

"Ah? Not awkward? Then how do you know that Huo is going to have an accident?" The pudding was also confused.

"In the company of Huo Siqian, I also put in my eyeliner. According to my return, Du Zhili was very abnormal recently... I looked for someone to check and found that he had transferred the property under his name, so I suspect he should be Run fast..." Qin Chu calmly replied.

"Wow, don't you think that your IQ is so high... can this be?" The pudding is a capitalized suit.

"I have a hunch, some people are more anxious than us to deal with Huo Siqian... Wait a minute, Huo will continue to be unlucky..." Qin Chu pulled his mouth.

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