My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2462: The situation is getting more complicated (9)

"Okay, you said."

"Liu Ze."

"Where do you know where you live?" Jiang Xiaowei turned on the computer and entered the system of the city bureau to transfer information.

"I don't know, it should have been moved long ago. It is said that his parents are abroad."

"How to check it? There are many people named Liu Ze."

"He used to go to school in the second middle school. His father used to be a senior official of the Education Bureau." Huo Mian provided several useful information.

"OK, wait."

A minute later, Jiang Xiaowei passed the information he found to Huo Mian to the mobile phone.

After watching Huo Mian, he was slightly disappointed, the information was very simple, and he could not see any suspicious things.

At this time, Jiang Xiaowei sent another WeChat, "Small sleep, how? Is it helpful to you?"

"No, the information is too simple, nothing can be seen."

"What happened to this person? Have you offended you?" Jiang Xiaowei asked again.

"No, I just think this person is very suspicious. I want to check what purpose he has?"

"Oh, this way... Otherwise, you will tell Qin Chu, let him help you through other channels to see if there will be gains." Jiang Xiaowei proposed.

"Well, I will talk to Qin Daren back."

Putting down the mobile phone, Huo Mian fell into meditation, and Qin Daren had a lot of things lately. Liu Ze did not have any excessive behavior about himself.

She also does not want to be passionate about what this person has for her own purpose, so she does not intend to tell Qin Daren for the time being, lest she worry.

At this time, the phone rang again, and Huo Mian looked down at the caller ID, which was actually Su Yu.

Su Yuping rarely called her, so Huo Mian immediately picked it up.

"Small sleep... Where are you?"

"In the hospital, the Southern District."

"You just... have you ever been to the door? Have you been to Anqing Road?" Su Yu asked.

"No, I went straight to the Southern District in the morning, I have not gone out, just finished the meeting, what happened?"

"This way..." Su Yu thought thoughtfully.

"What?" Huo Mian asked a little nervously.

"That is estimated that I admit the wrong person...." After whispering a word, Su Yu hung up.

Huo Mian slightly frowned, could Su Yu also see people who are very similar to her? What exactly happened here?

Anqing Road, a bank entrance

Su Yu and Xiao An drove to the bank to do things. When they came out, they saw that a girl’s face and Huo Mian were very similar. The main temperament and dress, as well as the hairstyle are very similar.

"It’s a hell, I thought it was a sleep, but she was still in the Southern District." Su Yu wondered.

"Su total, I think it is also like, is it not a twin sister?" Xiaoan brain hole wide open.

"Impossible, Huo Mian should be very clear about his own life, shouldn't there be any sister, is it really a coincidence? Really a ghost... I haven't gone to say hello, or I just yelled at him... "When finished, Su Yu went to Rambo.

Su Yu is the second person after Qin Chu, who sees the same person as Huo Mian. Fortunately, he is calm enough and asks him first.

a kindergarten entrance

Huo Wei drove a white Porsche sports car and went to the kindergarten gate to pick up her daughter.

I was told that the child had been picked up and was first seen.

Later, I felt that something was wrong, because if Shen Mingxi took it, she would definitely tell her that she would not secretly do so.

"How do you see your child in kindergarten? How can you pick up my daughter?" Huo Huo fired.

"Miss Huo, we are not casual. It is your brother, the child's jealousy, the identity person, so we will..."

"My brother?" After listening to this sentence, Huo was dumbfounded.

"Yes... Hosham?" she asked tremblingly.

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