My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2463: The situation is getting more and more complicated (10)

"Yes, it is Mr. Huo Siqian. If he doesn't say it, we don't know it. It turns out that the sweet one is actually Huo..."

What did the kindergarten teacher say behind, Huo Wei did not have time to listen carefully.

Just turned and ran. After getting on the bus, the throttle went out.

A few unknown teachers are still discussing in situ.

"I thought that sweet mother is a little three, and it turned out to be Huo’s sister."

"Yeah, no wonder so rich, open Porsche, the bags are more than 100,000, I heard that GK's young lady is also Huo's, maybe they have kinship."

After Huo Hao got on the bus, he immediately called out the number of Huo Siqian, hit it, and then no one answered. This made her more anxious.

Kempinski Hotel Western Restaurant

"Sweet, delicious?"

Huo Siqian was wearing a black tuxedo, wearing a gentleman, sitting next to sweet.

I ordered a lot of desserts and ice cream for the children, as well as pizza. I saw that sweet and delicious.

"It's delicious, this is the best cake I have ever eaten, thank you." The children are innocent and do not know the grievances between adults.

"You're welcome, eat more."

"Hey, when will my mom pick me up?" the little girl raised her head and asked.

"Don't worry, your mommy is busy now. It is estimated that I will come later, I will accompany you, and I will finish eating delicious food. Let's go to the cartoon. Is it good to bear the bear?"

"I don't like to watch, that's all out of date. I like to watch Pigeon Peggy now. I like to see the modified police car Polly."

"Oh, this way, that's good, then what do you like to see, what do we look at, okay?" Huo Siqian patiently stared at the child.

Petting and touching her head...

"Okay, I am so nice."

The sound of vibration from the mobile phone, Huo Siqian took out and watched the caller, and looked coldly.

"Dead people, finally anxious, let me add blocking behind you... Now it's your turn, how, fear?" Huo Siqian said to himself.

Looking at the phone on the phone, but did not answer.

It is easy to find out where your daughter is going to school. It is easy to pick up.

Huo Wei has no way to calm down, and even wants to call the police, but the police have gone, is it urgent? People like Huo Siqian are not afraid of the police?

In case of sweetness, there are three long and two short... What should she do?

At this time, suddenly a figure appeared on the road, forcing her to brake immediately.

Huo Wei got off the bus and saw that she was actually the ex-husband of her scum.

Now that I have fallen to the point where I want to touch the porcelain, it is really... disgusting.

The man saw Huo Wei’s first glimpse and then smiled proudly. “Oh, isn’t this my ex-wife? Even if it’s an acquaintance, it’s a good deal for you. You’re now with the rich family, and it’s also very good. Money, a price, one million, give me a card, this thing will be done, or else don't blame me, let you go today, my leg is hurt, even if the traffic police come, will not see What is the clue..." It seems that he is also very careful.

"Get out of the way, I am going to save the sweetness." Huo Wei was really in no mood to deal with this scum.

"You take less of an excuse for your child."

"I didn't, I was really anxious, you are going to roll away... Don't block my way..." Huo stunned and turned back to the car and re-started the car.

"Huo Wei, don't think about leaving if you don't take money, either give money or press it from Laozi..."

The scum is also dead and let go, trapping Huo Wei here.

She was irritated, and she started the car and squinted at the man.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you really want to kill me, you are crazy..." The man screamed, but looked at the car and rushed over.

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