My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2467: Never fight with me (5)

"Huo Mian, you say so, that is not willing to help?" Shen Mingxi seems to have a lot of complaints.

"I am not willing to help, but I am powerless." Huo Ying answered is also simply.

"Get up, hey, let's go."

"No, Hung Mian, I beg you, the last time, okay? Look at the face of Bean Ding before I helped them. Help me."

Sure enough, Huo Wei’s bitter drama was played and he continued to play the love card.

Seeing that Huo Mian does not speak, Huo Wei said, "I know that you have always looked at the three, and looked down on me as a third party. You always think that I am a third party and broke the marriage between Ming Xi and Wei Ying. Ying is the younger sister of Wei Gongzi, and is the younger brother of Dr. Jiang. You and your husband and wife have always made good friends, so it is normal to not see me."

"I didn't look down on you, er... I have to be a conscience, and that's not the case."

Huo Mian was a little surprised, and Huo Wei actually distorted the facts and tried to provoke her to come and look for Huo Siqian.

Although it is for the daughter to do such a thing, playing such a heart, but Huo Wei can do this, Huo Mian still feels a little unexpected.

"Forget it, hey, let's not ask... Not everyone knows gratitude. You saved someone's daughter. People may not save your daughter. Not many women will be as stupid as you, the same kindness... Let's go, big deal, I am desperate with Huo Siqian, and I won't let the children have something."

The words of Shen Mingxi’s words are hard to hear. Putting the Buddha out of the world, except for Huo Wei, all women are not kind and are vicious.

Watching Shen Mingxi pull the Huo Wei out, Huo Mian closed his eyes.

"Forget it, I promise you."

"Small sleep... Are you willing to help me?" Huo Wei suddenly turned back, his eyes flashed a sneak peek.

"Yes, I will help you, this is the last time. As you said, when you saved my daughter, now it is my turn to repay."

"Actually, I don't mean that... I just saved my heart..."

"I don't have to explain, I understand."

Huo Mian turned and walked away, skillfully locking the door of the office.

"I am going to find Huo Siqian now, let's go home and wait for news. He wants to count and count, it is estimated that the child will not have something, and... you better hurry, and don't let my husband know that you have come to me. If he knows that he knows... will not let you go."

After that, Huo Mian turned cold and walked away.

Yes, if Qin Daren knows that the two men persuaded Huo Mian to go to see Huo Siqian alone, they will be furious.

Don't say Qin Chu, even if Su Yu knows, it will be violent.

The reason why Huo Mian is angry and unwilling to help Huo Wei is because she thinks that some of her practices are too hateful.

I have long warned her not to provoke Huo Siqian. She does not listen. Now she is in trouble, but she wants her to come to the aftermath.

Huo Wei took the child, it is really pitiful, but ... the poor wicked must have hateful places.

In her heart, she loves her differently. As she said, she helped Huo Wei last time, and she also let her let go of the child's kindness in the hands of Huo Siyi.

"Hey, don't cry...Huo Mian goes, Huo Siqian will definitely let people go." Shen Mingxi comforted Huo Wei.

The two walked out of the Southern District and drove away.

When Huo Mian came out, he used a colleague's mobile phone to make a phone call to Huo Siqian, and then drove alone to the hotel.

She vaguely felt that this time I went to see Huo Siqian, things would not be so simple, and I always felt that something was going to happen.

While driving, I feel uneasily in my heart...

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