My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2468: Never fight with me (six)

Inside the hotel lounge

Huo's daughter sat on the sofa with a pink doll from Pig Pei.

"Hey, when can I go home?"

"Come on, I will send you back when I am finished."


"Do you want to go back?" Huo Siqian sat next to the little girl.

"Well, if I don't go home all the time, I guess... Mommy will worry about me." Sweet whispered.

"Your mommy is for you... okay?" Huo Siqian suddenly asked.

"Well, it's good, just... Sometimes she is in a bad mood, she will lick a lot of things, I will be afraid."

"Then will your father come to see you?"

"Daddy has been looking for us several times, but every time I ask for money... Mommy said, Dad is not a good person, he will have retribution sooner or later, Shen Shushu is a good person, good to us, give us money, give us Buy a lot of good things."

"What did your mom teach you?" Hossein had some accidents, and then he couldn't look down on Huo.

She actually teaches children hatred. Such a small child must distinguish who has money and who is good. What is the education method?

Why are the two cute children of Xiaomian's family not like this? It seems that the birth of a child is really a technical job.

"Hey, are you not good with my mommy?" Sweetly holding the doll and raising his head, asked weakly.

“Why would you say that?” Horsham smiled.

"Because I have never seen you before, Mommy is definitely not getting along with you."

The little girl said that it makes sense. Huo Siqian was silent for a while and smiled. "My relationship with your mommy is really... not very good, but... it has nothing to do with you, and... you don’t want to learn your mother. All day hate hatred, you are still small, and grow up later, you must learn to distinguish between right and wrong."

Sweet and confusing, Huo Siqian was a little surprised, and he actually said it here.

In fact, if it is not a child of Huo Wei, maybe a child alone, he really likes sweet.

The child is honest, obedient, will look face, not naughty, no princess disease.

It’s a pity...

Huo Siqian was thinking, the subordinate came over and whispered, "Boss, Miss Huo is coming."

"Speak clearly, which Miss Huo?" Huo Siqian wants to confirm whether Huo Wei is back?

"It’s Miss Xiaomian, it’s outside.”

"Okay, let's order the kitchen to open the dishes."


"Sweet, I am now letting you go home."

"Okay, but..." The little girl seemed to hesitate.

"What's wrong?" Huo Siqian asked curiously.

"Hey, can I take this toy away? I like this doll very much, I want to take it home, can I?" The little girl cautiously looked at the face of Huo Siqian.

"of course."

"Great, thank you." The little girl agreed to Huo Siqian, and the music danced.

"Awang, you drive her back, put it in the guard room of the community." Huo Siqian confessed.

"Yes, boss."

After settled in sweetness, Huo Siqian came out and Huo Mian sat there with no expression.

"Small sleep, are you here?" Huo Siqian saw her, always full of tenderness.

"Huo's child? I have already come, I should have let her go." Huo Mian is extremely rude.

"It's already on the road, you can rest assured, I have been talking about it." Huo Xiqian laughed.

"Small sleep, let me guess, Huo Wei is how to convince you to come?" After that, Huo Siqian mysterious smile.

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