My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2470: Never fight with me (eight)

"What do you want to gamble?"

"Gambling on the happiness of a lifetime." Horsham raised his head violently, facing the eyes of Huo Mian.

That look, with the light she had never seen before...

"I don't really understand what you mean. Let's talk about the bet first." Huo Mian didn't know what kind of tricks Huo Siqian wanted to play, so he was always prepared.

"If you lose, you go with me, the end of the earth..."

"If I lose, I will give it to you, I will break it myself..."

After the two words of Huo Siqian, Huo Mian was a little shocked. She did not expect that this time Huo Xiqian would play so big.

"What do you want to gamble with me?"

"We will gamble that Qin Chu and you can't stand the test, okay?" Huo Siqian did not smile deeply.

Huo Mian only thinks that he smiles, making people feel cool behind...

"Why should I gamble with you?"

"Don't you want to look at it, you are a man who loves his life for a lifetime, will you change your heart and can't stand the test?"

"He will not."

"That can't be said, so don't you gamble with me?"

"You don't need to provoke me, I won't be yours. I have absolute trust in Qin Daren. It's not that you can provoke a word."

"So, are you scared? My little sleep sister."

"What am I afraid of? What terrible do I have?" Huo Mian was annoyed and turned to look at Huo Siqian.

"You are not sure in your heart, so you are so scared, you dare not gamble with me, you are afraid of you and Qin Chu ... can not stand the test."

"Whatever you say, it's ridiculous... or you just tied me up and left, or I'm leaving now, I don't have time to **** with you."

After that, Huo Mian went straight out...

"Boss, so let Miss Xiaomian go?" ran down and asked.

It seems that the boss is a hard-to-get person, so it’s so easy to let go.

"Let her go, not in a hurry."

After that, Huo Siqian sent a small video from his mobile phone directly to Qin Chu's mobile phone.

When the bell rang, Qin Chu received the video message and opened it, his face slowly sinking.

I can't hear the sound, but what I can see is that Huo Mian and Huo Siqian are sitting face to face. Huo Siqian is still peeling the shrimp and handing it to Huo Mian.

The picture is gone here, only about seven or eight seconds.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Douding watched TV on the sidelines and saw that his face was a bit wrong.

"Nothing, spam messages." Qin Chu finished, closing the phone did not say much.

Not long after, Huo Mian went home, "Hello, baby."

"Mummy, you are coming back late today, is the hospital working overtime?" Douding asked.

"Amount...Yes, I have been very busy in the hospital recently, and there are many operations." Huo Mian’s explanation.

"You just had an operation?" Qin Chu asked casually.

"Well... yeah, what's wrong?" Huo Mian returned without notice.

"Nothing, have you eaten?"

"Eat." Huo Mian actually had no appetite, so he lied that he had eaten.

"I took a shower upstairs and it was really exhausting."

Huo Mian said that he had finished the building, but did not notice the face of Qin Chu... that subtle change.

9 o'clock in the evening

Qin Chu finished the company's business in the study and returned to the bedroom. Huo Mian was already lying on the bed, holding a book about medical research in his hand.

"When is it busy?" Huo Mian turned over and hugged Qin Chu's waist.


"What happened to your husband today, is the mood a bit wrong?" Looking at Qin Daren's worry, Huo Mian could not help but ask.

"Wife... Recently... Has Huo Qianqou ever found you?" Qin Chu asked casually.

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