My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2471: Never fight with me (9)

"No, why are you asking?" Huo Jin actually had some guilty conscience when he said this.

Because I am afraid that Qin people are worried, I don’t dare to say anything tonight.

And if you tell the truth, you can't be sure that Qin Daren will go to Shen Mingxi and Huo Wei.

"Nothing, just ask."

After that, Qin Chu lay down, then closed his eyes...

"I have slept so early? What time is it?" Huo Mian was spoiled on Qin Chu's chest.

"Wife, I am a little tired... sleep."

"Oh... that's okay..." A enthusiasm was ruined, and Hung Mian knew that some of her self-confidence was not interesting, so she lay next to Qin Chu and turned her eyes.

The atmosphere between the two husbands and wives is somewhat wrong, but both of them are worried about each other, and no one will say anything.

In fact, sometimes misunderstandings are terrible. The fear is that they will never be able to solve this misunderstanding. It will become deeper and deeper and eventually lead to bad results.

Early morning

When Huo Mian got up and had breakfast, she did not see the shadow of Qin Chu.

When Mrs. Qin got up, she and the maids in the kitchen together gave dumplings to the twins.

"Mom, Achu?" Huo Mian picked up a glass of milk and drank a small mouth.

"Oh, he went to work."

"So early?" Huo Mian had some accidents.

"It is necessary to go to the construction site to inspect first, so go early, let me not wake you up, let you sleep more." Mrs. Qin smiled.


After a simple breakfast, Huo Mian drove to the Southern District.

However, I did not expect that when I arrived in the Southern District, at a fork, the car actually broke down.

It was also awkward. Huo Mian reluctantly got the car in the emergency lane and was about to call the repair shop.

I saw the bright purple Ferrari parked next to it, and then Liu Ze walked down the car.

"What's wrong? Huo Mian?"

"My car... something went wrong." Pointing to his car, Huo Mian said.

"I look." Liu Ze said to come over.

"You will repair the car?"

"a little bit."

When he finished, he went to the front of the car and lifted the lid and checked the engine.

"You have to replace the parts, or go to the 4S shop to repair."


Huo Mian then called the person who repaired the factory and then prepared to stop the taxi.

"Not far away, why are you still taking a taxi? Come on, everyone is a colleague, I will take you for a while." Liu Zexiao.

Huo Mian was a little embarrassed, but still got on his car.

Because it is a super run, so there is only two people's position, Huo Mian did not choose, only the co-pilot sitting next to him.

"Safety belt." He smiled and reminded.

Huo Mian picked up the seat belt and then the two went to the south.

"Actually, I didn't think you really would be a doctor." Liu Ze said.

"That has always been my dream, nothing strange." Huo Mian looked out the window and replied.

"If Qin Chu didn't come back to find you, would you marry the boyfriend at your university?" Liu Ze asked.

"You seem to know a lot about me." Huo Mian looked at Liu Ze with some vigilance.

"If I said that I have been interested in your business all these years, do you believe it?" His eyes looked at the front and the hand of the steering wheel was slender.

Liu Ze does not have Qin Chu's indifference and arrogance, and there is no overbearing shame of Su Yu.

More like a gentle and elegant son, gentle with a little elegance, with a little gentleman in the easygoing.

After listening to Huo Mian, it was just a faint smile.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you believe?" Liu Ze looked at her sideways.

"No, I just want to say, if it wasn't for this class reunion, it wasn't the squad leader who reminded me many times. I really don't remember who you are?"

After Huo Mian finished, Liu Ze’s face changed significantly.

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