My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2482: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (10)

"After... Hehe, to be honest, I really didn't think so much. I am like this now, and it seems that it doesn't seem to be useful." Wei Dong laughed at himself.

Huo Mian nodded, didn't say anything, looked down at the watch, the time is almost the same.

"This will not block traffic, so I will leave first."

"Good." Wei Dong nodded.

Looking at the moment when Huo Mian got up, Wei Dong suddenly remembered what he said. "Right, Huo Mian, I..."

"I know, I will not talk to those students about the fact that you are here to open a factory." Huo Mian thought that Wei Dong was afraid to leak the address here.

"No, I heard Han Xu said, is this class reunion Liu Ze coming back?" Wei Dong asked.


"Be careful with the kid, he didn't look as simple as it looks."

"I know, thank you." Anyway, thank you Wei Dong for reminding me.

Shortly after Huo Mian’s departure, a female staff member from a bank came.

"Hello, is it Mr. Wei Dong?"

"I am, are you...?" Wei Dong looked at the stranger in front of him a little confused.

"I am a private financial planner at Miss Ms. Huo Mian, and I am being dragged by Ms. Huo to handle some matters related to property."

"Property?" Wei Dong is even more confused.

"I will simply say that Miss Huo is willing to lend you five million funds from a private account, and then I will not charge you interest, so that you can take pressure on your business, as long as you make money later, put the principal. Just fine."

After listening to these words, Wei Dong was greatly shocked.

"Huo Mian she..."

"Miss Huo feels that I am talking to you in person, it is not good, I am afraid that you think too much, so I sent you, Mr. Wei, do you have a personal account of my bank? After you signed this document, I immediately used mobile banking. Transfer money to you, you can use this money."

"How much did you say? Five million?" Wei Dong asked dumbly.

"Yes, Mr. Wei is really good luck. It is actually a friend of Miss Huo. Miss Huo has always been very low-key and rarely shows off her wealth. But she is willing to help you and prove that you still deserve to have her shot. It’s not early, let’s get started.”

In this way, Weidong, who was stupid, got the five million that Huomian loaned him.

Perhaps the former Wei Dong, five million will not look in the eyes, then mixed with the wind and water.

But now, let alone five million, even 50,000 is a huge sum for him.

So when I got the money, Wei Dong only felt heavy...

At that time, he wanted to take advantage of the relationship between Huo Mian and Qin Chu and Huo Siqian, borrowing huge sums of money, and going to do some private affairs, all of which were rejected by Huo Mian.

Later, I was drunk, and I still spit in the group. Huo Mian now has money, and the dog loves you to see what people are low.

The result was the blood of Zhu Lingling's dog... Later, his family went bankrupt, and he saw the warmth of the world.

Returning to the most primitive state, starting from the bottom of society, this time to see clearly, who is a friend?

In fact, after Wei Dong’s accident, there was no trustworthy friend around him. Those classmates, including Han Xu, did not lend him a penny.

As the saying goes, a penny is hard to beat a hero, but in this case, he still does not want to ask Huo Mian to borrow money, because he knows it will be rejected.

However, I did not expect that today, he only sincerely asked Huo Mian to eat a bowl of noodles, she actually loaned him five million, without any interest.

This kind of hibernation makes Wei Dong's mind once again shocked.

She has never been a icing on the cake, but she is willing to give up charcoal in the snow, and help him when Wei Dong is destitute and seriously lives.

Such a hibernation is a heartfelt admiration.

After sleeping at home, Huo Mian had to go downstairs to accompany her daughters to play, and she received a call from Wei Dong.

"Huo Mian..." His heavy opening.

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