My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2483: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (11)

"Huo Mian, I have received the money, thank you."

"Don't thank me, I am not giving you white, I am lending it to you, you have to pay back."

If you give it to Bai, Wei Dong really can't, man must have this dignity.

"I know, in short... thank you, I will do something as soon as possible, and then make money to pay for you."

"it is good."

Hanging up the phone, Huo Mian and the twins are eating fruits in the living room. Qin Mama and Qin Dad go to drink tea with old friends. Qin Daren did not return to work overtime.

The twins were holding a high-tech robot that Su Yu sent to the Southern District today.

Even the young puddings feel that this thing is very novel, and has been constantly researching the buttons and functions on the remote control.

"Too grandfather is so good... this can think of us, haha." The flowering of Bean Ding.

"That is natural, Mommy said, when we were two months old, Grandpa was fighting for us and quarreling with Grandpa."

"It's a lovely old man, but, sister, you found no. Since we both came to this world, Su Shuai obviously fell out of favor." Douding looked at her sister.

"Well, Su Shuai is an adult after all, and will not care about these small details."

"Oh, yes, Su Shuai wants to give us a toy, can I send it directly to the house, why is it sent to the South District to Mommy?" Douding suddenly began to gossip.

"Don't blame him. He may have found an excuse to see Mommy." Pudding knew a good look.

Huo Mian suddenly coughed a few times, "cough, don't say, you Uncle Su came to the Southern District... It was a physical examination inside, and gave me something."

"Hey, the two of us are just kidding, Mommy, don't be too serious." Douding looked at Mummy's face, a bad smile.

"Truth, Mommy, if you didn't come back at the beginning, can you really keep your body as jade and refuse the love of Su Yu?" Douding continued to be a mother.

"Doudou, you will come back later, this time, you should ask again when he asks." Huo Mian laughed.

"Khan... No, you will turn your face." When Douding moved out of Dad, he shut up.

The two little devils are really noisy. In fact, Su Yu sent things to the Southern District and also ate a meal with her. She also felt that there was no need to be so troublesome.

Directly take the children to the Sujia villa, or send them directly to Nanshan Castle.

However, Su Yu did not do that. He was so small and private, he wanted to hide it, but he would still be seen by everyone.

Huo Mian sometimes feels that Su Yu, when he is smart, decides to be smart, but sometimes he is really silly and cute.

At this time, Qin Chu opened the door.

"Husband, are you coming back to the construction site?" Huo Mian asked.


"have you eaten?"

"Eat after eating with customers."

"It's really hard, can I help you with a cup of coffee?" Huo Mian got up.

"No, my wife, you sit, I went to the study, and some drawings have not been revised, I will go see."

Qin Daren directly squatted on the folder.

"Mummy, what happened to you recently, is it a quarrel?" Pudding asked me carefully.

"not at all."

"How do you look like it is in the cold war?" Pudding did not believe it.

"Cold War? You think more, maybe we are too busy recently, have no time to talk about love." Huo Mian sighed slightly.

"Mummy, you can't take it lightly, you have to hold on to the ground, or maybe you will be taken over by another woman..." Pudding instilled crisis awareness into Mummy.

"Well, my little grandmother, you two are going to play with you both, the adult's things, children don't want to be reconciled."

At this time, Huo Mian received a voice WeChat.

It was from Xixi...

"Small sleep... Are you convenient, I want to... talk to you." The voice of Cisi was vaguely a little crying.

After listening to the sleep, the whole heart was hung up.

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