My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2484: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (12)

"Western, you said."

"I think I came to the United States, it is a mistake." The voice of Cassie was sobbing.

"You don't worry about Xixi, you slowly said, what happened?"

West Side in New Orleans has always been a heart disease of Humian, because I have seen Luna before, so I worry that it will be troublesome to go to West.

And after Rick is in charge of the family, there are so many things, and there is not much time to spend with her.

The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, before the West did not go, I thought things were perfect, but I found it after I went, not as easy as I thought.

"Small sleep... I... my situation is very bad now."

"Western, what's wrong? Is Rick contradicting you?" Humian felt that although Rick had few words, it seemed impossible to change his mind or to end up chaos.

Unless they communicate badly, it is normal to have some contradictions and disputes.

"No, Rick, he is very good to me, especially very good..." Cassie corrected.

"Then why are you so depressed..." Humami whispered a message to West China with a WeChat message.

"I feel that I am the burden of Rick..." The voice of Cassie was full of guilt.

Huo Mian has not waited to talk, just listen to Xixi continue to say, "Ximian, I used to think of Rick's **** identity, I don't mind, but when I saw him killing, I fled with him. When I was killed, I felt that this kind of life was terrible..."

"So, do you want to back down?" Huo Mian asked her.

"No, no, I want to take Rick, jump out of this circle, leave the **** days of this knife, and live a normal life."

"Don't be too naive, it's impossible."

Xixi listened to silence for a long time...

"If it might be possible before, after Rick’s brother’s accident, he returned to the United States, and everything is too late. Today, he should be riding a tiger. I and Qin Daren have been to New Orleans before, and have seen the life of Rick. Mode, not to say that it is easy to give up, there are so many enemies, so many gangs of cooperation... If he doesn’t do it, can he live is a saying, Sicily, everyone has the right to choose their own life, if you I really don't like this kind of life, unless you leave Rick, or... just face him."

"Small sleep, am I too weak?" asked in a low voice.

"No, as a girl who knows nothing, you have been brave in what you have done."

"Small sleep sister, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that Rick is dead... This idea is very contradictory? Is he so young, this should not have been such a life, I am too distressed by him..."

"Xisi, have you seen Luna?"

"Is it a self-proclaimed Rick fiancee woman?" CSI asked.


"I have seen it. It didn't take long for us to come back. The woman came and swayed, and it was bombarded by Rick. Later, she found her father. Her father wanted to kill me. After I knew it, Rick was particularly angry. Directly turned face, the two sides rushed together, not only contacted the relationship of cooperation, Luna's father was also injured, and now the family and Rick have already enemies ... so I said, I am Rick's cumbersome, here are people I don't like me. They think that I have brought bad luck to Rick. If he is with Luna, it will be better... I can not only help him but also create trouble... So, Xiaomian, what should I do? ,I am so sad……."

Saying, Xixi is crying again.

When Huo Mian heard it, Xixi was very depressed, otherwise he wouldn't help crying on WeChat.

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