My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2491: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (19)

"You... how are you..." Qin Chu looked at the woman in front of him, and was extremely surprised.

"Hello, Hello, I introduce myself. I am recruited by the Ministry of Personnel. I am helping the sister of Bella. My name is Zhang Manlin. You call me Linlin."

The girl smiled and was just right. Qin Chu saw her surprise, not because she was much beautiful, nor because she was much cute.

Instead, she has a face similar to that of Huo Mian...

Yes, no mistakes, it is indeed seven points similar.

And the little girl looks young and has a ponytail. This feeling is more like a childhood sleep.

Fortunately, the voice is not the same, otherwise Qin Chu almost have to admit the wrong person, thinking that his wife came to the company.

"Who is calling you?" Qin Chu frowned slightly.

"It’s the manager of the Personnel Department." The girl laughed.

Qin Chu did not say anything, turned into the office, and lost the girl who was at a loss, standing in the same place, a little embarrassed.

After Qin Chu returned to the office, he sat directly in the inside line. "The person in charge of the department immediately came to see me."

five minutes later

"General Qin, are you looking for me?" The female manager of the personnel department carefully knocked in the door.

"The new assistant at Bella, you recruited?" Qin Chu asked.


"Where did you recruit it?"

"It is a lot of people who send us resumes. We decided after screening. This girl has a good academic qualification and looks calm."

"Do you know that she looks like my wife?" Qin Chu asked coldly.

"Qin, this is me..."

"Good, you are fired...."

"What?" The head of the personnel department looked at the face.

"I said, you were fired, and the same woman outside, was fired..."

Although Qin Chu is not very good-tempered, but rarely voluntarily dismissed the staff, and now directly dismissed the person in charge of the personnel department, causing an uproar.

Some people say that the person in charge of this personnel department deliberately looked for a girl similar to Mrs. Qin to win the favor.

The result is self-defeating.

Others said that Qin did not want a woman who was similar to his wife to appear. In short, he did not want to see.

Zhang Manlin was dismissed when she got to work on the first day. It was also a bad luck home. She took her own things and went away silently.

Along the way, I was listening to the company people began to talk.

However, she still has a fairly calm expression, as if it was not related to her.

"Sister..." Shixin’s business trip just came back. I don’t know the situation. When I returned to the group, I saw this familiar figure from afar.

I thought it was Huo Mian, I almost rushed over and hugged people.

When I got closer, I discovered that it was actually a strange girl...

"Amount...sorry, I admit the wrong person...." Zhixin quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter." The girl replied faintly and continued to run away.

At this time, Qin Chu and Bella also went downstairs just to go out, just from the top floor elevator down through the lobby, just hit it.

The girl suddenly took the courage and took the initiative to stop Qin Chu.

"General Qin, please wait."

Qin Chu stayed in the footsteps... but did not look back.

"General Qin, I heard that I... looks like your wife? So I was fired? Is that true?"

Qin Chu swept over her face coldly. "Who told you that you look like my wife?"

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