My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2492: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (20)

"Isn't the whole company talking about it? To be honest... I was admitted to your company at the beginning. I am very happy. I thought that after all, it is a world-renowned company. Now, it seems that Qin is just an emotional thing. Men only, do not give people the opportunity, directly dismissed, not only me, even the people who recruited me are all tired, this is in ancient times, the behavior of the tyrant..." The little girl suddenly changed her face, the cusp The mouth is good.

In front of all the employees, Qin Chu was degraded.

Other people who are harmful are afraid to come out...

"Is this little girl crazy?"

"Is the spirit bad? Actually dare to hit the head of Qin?"

Some colleagues whispered.

"Our company won't want this kind of employee who has no quality to attack his boss." Bella, can't stand it, watching the girl return.

"Miss Bella, this is not right. I have been dismissed ten minutes ago. My current status is not your company's employees, so I don't have to worry about it. I just want to say, what young entrepreneurs, what? The listed group is just that, and there is no place to stay here."

After that, the little girl took her personal belongings and turned away.

"She... really like my sister." Zhixin has already seen the stunned.

"I don't think it's like, Huo Mian is not so arrogant." Bella calmly analyzed.

Qin Chu accidentally, did not say anything, nor was he so angry, just headed down the group headquarters.

Star Group

After Su Wu’s listless work, driving, thinking about returning to the old house to eat, or returning to his private villa.

I didn’t pay attention, I almost got a red light.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, a brake stopped, and a red figure appeared in front of his car.

"Can't you see the red light? Really... It's really bad luck today." Zhang Manlin complained.

Su Yu was quite shocked after seeing the girl’s appearance.

"Small..." He thought it was Huo Mian, just shouting Xiaomian, the girl looked up.

After seeing the face clearly, she found that she was not hibernating, but it was really like.

Whether it's a back, a figure, a look, or even a hairstyle, it's really like Huo Mian, but she obviously looks younger.

The owner of the car has been pressing the horn, but Su Yu has no intention to go.

"You..." Su Yu dare just want to say something.

I saw the little girl with her head down and looked at her trouser legs. "Reassure, I am not injured, I will not lick you, but the trousers have some open lines. Forget it, go back and get it yourself."

Talking across the road from talking to myself...

Su Yu has been waiting for her to go, Su Yu only returned to God.

Then I feel that this is a bit strange.

He couldn't help but send a WeChat to Huon.



"I just saw a girl look special like you."

"Hah, maybe it's my twin sister?" Huo Mian laughed.

"No kidding, it is true."

"Where did you see it, beautiful?" Huo Mian replied to Su Yu while eating an apple.

"How do you say, say bad... The feeling on her is too much like you... I think this is a bit strange... Xiaomian, you have to be careful recently."

"Well, rest assured, I am fine." Huo Mian nodded. In fact, these words did not make her really mind.

At this time, Qin Chu opened the door and walked in, his look was slightly exhausted.

"Husband, are you back?" Huo Mian got up and helped him pick up the package.

"You are in a bad mood... The face is black." Dou Ding saw that his face was not right.

"Small sleep, you come upstairs with me, I have something to say to you."

Qin Chu rarely talks with Huo Jin so officially, so when he finishes, Huo Mian realizes the seriousness of the matter.

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