My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2493: The last trump card (1)

After the couple went upstairs, the twins began a conversation in the living room.

Doudin: Sister, have you felt that you are strangely late with Mommy?

Pudding: You can see it, okay?

Doudin: The amount, then why don't you say it earlier?

Pudding: Is it useful?

Doudin: At least we can investigate the root cause?

Pudding: The things between adults are very complicated. It’s not that we can intervene. Besides, it’s not ordinary adults. They are two IQs together, they are killing us, so this thing, we Still don't care.

Doudin: But I am worried that this will go wrong.

When Douding spoke, his eyes glimpsed upstairs from time to time, worried.

Pudding: What is the problem?

Douding: It’s not going to be divorced. When we are two, are we going to be one by one, one with Mommy, oh... so poor, then I’m still awkward, mommy is good. Fierce.

Pudding: You think it’s far enough. Besides, don’t worry about divorcing Mommy...

Pudding’s words have not been finished, just listen to the Bean Ding and say, “Sister, do you want to say that the land and the mother’s love are more than Jin Jian’s, the love of the sea is violent, even if the earth explodes, the land and the mother Mi will not be separated, right?

Pudding: No, I mean, they are not married at all, how come?

A sip of milk is sprayed on the sofa...

"Sister, then what you mean, the tricks have always been illegitimate daughters...." Doudou widened his eyes.

"No, I said that I didn't get married, it didn't mean law, it was a wedding... You don't know if they have never had a wedding?"

"Oh, yes, you don't say that I have forgotten it... I am really sorrowful, I hope that they will have nothing to do with each other, otherwise we have no better days... I was originally an iceberg face. If you have a conflict with Mommy, you have to freeze people. Mommy’s temper is also very violent. If you are not happy, you will be irritated.

The two little guys chatted downstairs. Of course, even their daughters saw where their problems were, and outsiders would not see them.

That night, Huo Mian and Qin Chu chatted for an hour and a half in the upstairs study.

No one knows what they said, anyway, when Huo Mian came out, his face was not very good.

The two of them are not as close as the husband’s wife as before.

"Go, Mommy takes you to take a bath and sleep." Huo Mian went downstairs and took the twin daughters upstairs.

Qin Chu took the coat and went away.

"Achu, so late, where are you going?" Qin asked.

"Go out and do something."

"Be careful when driving, come back soon."

"it is good."

After Qin Chu left, Mrs. Qin looked up and looked at the daughter-in-law and granddaughter upstairs, and looked at the son who had just returned from work and didn’t take long to go out.

My heart is faint...

"Husband, do you feel it?"

“What do you feel?” Qin Dad read the newspaper with reading glasses and listened to Qin’s mother’s saying that she looked up at her.

"Ximian and Achu are two of them... Something is wrong recently."

"Where is it wrong?"

"I also said it is not good, but ... is definitely not the same as before. You have time to ask if Achu is not under pressure recently, or is there any difficulty, please don't worry about these work. Contradictions between husband and wife, Xiaomian has given birth to two children for our family these years. It is not easy. I really hope that there will be no more trouble."

Qin Chu mother is more and more able to understand the difficulties of her daughter-in-law...

In the upstairs bathroom, the twins broke into meat **** and went into the bathtub.

"Mummy, you have come in less than five minutes, and you have gone three times. What happened to you?" Pudding calmly looked at Mommy.

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