My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2496: The last trump card (four)

"Feel free." Huo Mian faintly back.

"I told you that Dr. Huo is good, or is Vice President Huo good?" Liu Ze asked with a plate.

"All right."

"Then I still call you Dr. Huo, because the three words of the vice president will call you very well." Liu Ze half-joking.

"It doesn't matter, I am not young anyway." Huo Mian said calmly.

"Who said, Dr. Huo is a good man?"

"Oh, Dr. Liu thank you for your compliment, but I am not."

"Is the car repaired?"

"Finish it, I don't have time to pick it up."

"Well, I saw you in the morning, you are driving a white Porsche, saying that you have a lot of luxury cars, Qin Chu is really rich." Liu Ze objective evaluation.

"Yeah, otherwise I can talk to him when I was in high school. I am trying to marry a giant."

"You are not that kind of person..."

"Dr. Liu doesn't like to know how I look. I don't like to be overwhelmed by people."

"Although I don't have a long time in our class, I am most impressed by you... really."

"thank you."

"It’s just that some people are playing a little later, so they may miss a lot of things..." Liu Ze said it was embarrassing and embarrassing.

"The time is almost up, I am eating, Dr. Liu, you eat slowly."

Huo Mian smiled and got up, set the plate aside, then turned and left.

Liu Ze looked at her back and smiled thoughtfully. "It really is a difficult woman."

Su Yu was in a bad mood recently, and did not take the initiative to pick up the twins. Finally, the two of them couldn’t help but find her.

"Su total, pudding and peas are coming." Xiaoan knocked on the door and said.

"Well?" Su Yu was in the video conference. When I heard that the twins came, I immediately said to the colleagues across the computer, "I have something to do, I will come here today. If you don't understand, please email me directly. that's it."

Then Su Yu hung up the video, and when he got up, the pudding and the pudding came in.

The ladies wore black wide-leg pants, white long-sleeved, and black little vests, dressed in a hipster.

"Today's dress, I give full marks." Su Yu's eyes are full of pets.

"You come less, why did Su Shuai not go to see us for so long?" Douding took care of it directly.

"Isn't it busy recently, it seems that it didn't take long?"

"It’s been six days... It’s almost a week, do you know?” Douding corrected.

"Yes, it is my fault, I am negligent, and careless, ha. But I am not letting your mommy bring you the robot? Is this also worthwhile?" Su Yule.

Pudding sat on the sofa with a bubble in his mouth and said, "I don't want to say this thing. I think about it. Su Shuai is so busy, why do you have time to go to the Southern District and give me something?" Mommy?"

"I... Isn't that going to the Southern District to check your body? By the way..." Su Yu editor excuses.

"My mommy doesn't say that, can't the confession be right?" Pudding continued.

"Oh, okay, two little ancestors... I am not right, I am guilty, let's go, listen to you, my video conference is broken, isn't it enough?" Su Yu has no temper for twins, rare Patience.

"Su Shuai, today we come, in addition to especially want you to look at it, in fact, there is still something to ask for help." Douding has been crawling in Su Yu's thigh, and then licking his neck and spoiling.

"Do you both ask me to make sure that there is nothing good?" Su Yu looked at the two little ancestors.

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