My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2497: The last trump card (five)

"Sister, this matter, it matters a lot, or you say it." Douding's resentful little eyes glanced at the pudding.

Pudding nodded, then looked up and saw Su Yu said, "I am in conflict with Mommy."

"NO, my sister, now it’s too light to talk about contradictions. I think they seem to be quarreling now, or in the cold war." Douding corrected.

"Cold War, why?" Su Yu frowned.

In the past few years, Su Yu’s understanding of the Qin Huo couple seems to be something that can’t happen. What Qin Chu thinks about Huo Mian, he knows better than anyone.

"Say bad, we don't dare to ask." Pudding said.

"Yes, but I have identified a problem." Doudou added.

"Are you sure... don't you think about it?"

The words of the twins made Su Yu very suspicious. After all, they were only three-year-old children.

"OK." Two Mengbao's unanimous answers.

"So... what should I do?" Su Yu felt that this incident was very sudden, so I didn't know how to face it for a while.

"We need to know how to do it, will you come to ask you? So my sister and I want to ask you, tell us what to do, or ... help us." Douding looked sad.

"This... is a private matter between them. It is not easy for outsiders to intervene. If I manage too much, it will be more and more black, and will create more misunderstandings for them."

Su Yu is particularly good at this point, and he has self-knowledge. At the beginning, he was madly chasing Huo Mian without knowing it.

Later, after knowing that Huo Mian got married, he restrained himself and even deliberately kept the distance. Even in the four years when Qin Chu was missing, he did not use any disgraceful means to find ways to make Huo Mian feel tempted by himself. So now I hear that their husband and wife are not feeling well, and Su Yu’s heart is also chaotic.

"Su Shuai, I think this time the problem is very serious." Pudding seriously opened his mouth.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the land and Mommy have gathered together less recently, it usually means less than a few words, and Mommy has a clear face, but you know, Mommy has something to say and will not tell us, we After all, it is her daughter, but you are different, you are a friend, maybe... I think maybe you can give it a try and see where the problem is, can we help solve it?” Pudding calmly analyzed.

"I have seen your mommy alone, not very good. I have just seen it a few days ago. I can't be too frequent. So... I will go back and think about it and confirm it."

"Alright, there are news to tell us."

"Well, hungry, I will take you to eat something first."

In this way, Su Yu drove the twins to the hotel to drink crab porridge and some small snacks, and then let Xiaoan send them back.

After the twins left, Su Yu really paid attention to this matter.

So he ordered to start a secret investigation... Of course, the investigation of the incidents of Huo Mian and Qin Chu is useless.

So Su Yu couldn't help but ask a question on WeChat.

"Hello, Doctor Huo."

Su Yu specially picked a morning time because she knew that Huo Mian was definitely in the Southern District and was not with Qin Chu.

"Where, what instructions, Su Ye?" Huo Mian half joked.

"Oh, you can still make a joke, it seems that the mood is not as bad as the legend..."

"Who said that I am in a bad mood?" Huo Mian asked.

"Amount..." Su Yu Zhiwuwu.

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