My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2503: The last trump card (11)

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing, people are coming to Ying Ying, you still do not let people rest?" Su mother took her son.

"Ah, I am not thinking about the emergency surgery there. Don't delay the health of others."

"Cut, do you think so?" Su mother gasped, and then quickly appeased the girl.

"Yu Ying, don't think too much, Xiao Yu has always been obscured, ha..."

"It's okay, my aunt, I just want to see it in the past. After a meal, I will let Su Yuge give me a trip."

"Su Yuge? Are you smaller than me?" Su Yu frowned.

"I... I asked my aunt, I am two years younger than you." The girl answered the rules.

"Is it? It’s two years younger than me. It’s too unscientific. It’s very old.”

Su Yu said this sentence, Xiao An, who was drinking soup, almost squirted out, and followed Su’s for so long, the first time he found out that he was so hurt.

"Xiao Yu, what do you say?" Su mother is really going to be mad.

"Mom, I am telling the truth, really..., don't you think she is very old?"

At this time, the girl’s face has been white for a while...

"Su aunt, I... a little uncomfortable, I still go to the hospital first?"

"Don't, Yu Ying, you have eaten and gone."


"I let the driver send you, Ying Ying big sister." Su Yu God fills the knife.

When I heard the words of Ying Ying’s eldest sister, the girl’s face was as long as Changbai Mountain.

"No, thank you for your kindness, Su Yu brother, I will drive myself."

After talking about the girl picking up the bag and going out, Su mother quickly went out to send it, and then explained it to others.

"Yu Ying, don't go to my heart, my son, he...have finished with you, ha."

"Su aunt, I am fine, I know that it is okay for the son to not look at me."

After that, the girl got in the car and left the Su family directly. She didn't even eat the rice.

When Su’s mother came back, she saw the incense that Su Yuzheng was eating, holding the cooked corn.

"You give me down, and face to eat?" Su mother reprimanded.

"Mom, calm, I am your son."

"You are still very embarrassed to say me, how did I give birth to your son, a good girl let you run away... Do you know how much I spent so much to bring the girl back and give you a chance to meet? ”

"Mom, that woman is not my dish, Xiaoan, do you like this type?"

Su Yu turned to ask Xiao An, Xiao An was distressed, did not dare to nod, and did not dare to shake his head, for fear that both sides would offend.

"Look, this woman's looks make Xiao An feel speechless, you also introduce it to me, what do you think?" Su Yu has more words.

Xiao An:......

Xiao An’s heart is really bitter. He really wants to scream, Su Zong, I don’t want this pot, but he really doesn’t dare.

"Xiao Yu, my mother is for you, I thought you liked a doctor, so I tried to choose a doctor as a doctor. I have such a talented person. You know that the parents of the girls are military leaders, her grandfather and Your grandfather is a good friend, how good is a marriage."

"Mom, then I might have misunderstood you."

"What misunderstanding?" Listening to his son said, Su mother gave a slight glimpse, waiting for the following.

"Actually, I don't like doctors." Su Yu said.

Then he added a whisper, "I just like the doctor's sleep, just."

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