My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2504: The last trump card (12)

"Xiao Yu, you are like this... dead heart, my mother is distressed..."

After listening to the son's words, Su mother only felt that the heart seemed to be hurt by people.

"Hey, Mom, don't feel bad for me, I have my life, you will enjoy the good old age, my business, I know what to do."

"Xiao Yu, I can't wait, I can't do it. Xiaomian tells you more. If her husband is really dead, she won't marry you, don't wait, OK?"

Ms. Su is like a child, taking her son...

Xiao An, an outsider, felt tears wet his eyes.

Su Yu took a sip of the corn silently, and then chewed it without knowing the taste.

"Mom, this thing...not what I said, I know everything, I understand, but I... forget it, don't say it."

Su Yu did not dare to say it, he hated such lyrical scenes.

Put down the corn that has not been eaten, Su Yu got up and left. "Mom, I am going to the company, I am free to come back to see you."

Xiao An also immediately went out and got on the bus.

"Take me back by car, then you will go home."

Su Yu sat on the co-pilot, and his face was decadent...

Xiao An knows that the boss is in a bad mood and does not dare to speak.

Halfway, Su Yu took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat. After thinking for a long time, she wrote such a passage -

We always want the wise to persuade others, but torture ourselves like a fool. When you comfort others, the head is the way. If you encounter something you can't get through, you can't be spontaneous. You fall into an infinite loop. Everyone knows, just know. Little emotions, my story is too embarrassing, maybe this is what Han Han said in the movie, I have heard a lot of good ideas, but still have a bad life.

Su Yu rarely sends such a circle of friends, boys, unlike girls, most girls like to send some chicken soup.

Like Zhu Lingling, Huo Mian, Jiang Xiaowei, sometimes they will forward some paragraphs, or they will feel some words.

But most of the boys are directly sending pictures and not speaking.

So Su Yu’s words were finished, and in less than a minute, the circle of friends exploded.

Wei Liao: Was it stolen?

Tang Chuan: Is it too much to miss Xiao Ye, I am gone, are you bored? Hey.

A rich second generation: Su Ye, come out to drink at night?

The second generation of an official: Su Zong, is it in a bad mood? Tell you about your sister, can't you go?

Jiang Xiaowei: What is the situation? who knows?

Ni Yang: We have a few days of unhappy time every month.

Zhu Lingling replied to Ni Yang: So, are you always a big coward?

Nie Lingwei: General Su, come on, we are with you, with the Emperor.

Marshmallow: Su total power and domineering, always the best.

A director: Brother, come to Kyoto to play? How many days have you been entertained?

A jeweler: Su Gongzi is not happy recently. He has entered a group of gems. I will leave it for you to keep it.

A luxury car president: Su Ye is not happy, Rambo has also changed, Audi Pikes peak or not?

Tang Chuan replied to the president of the luxury car: lying trough, Lao Xu, you pit my Su, and the Audi Pikes Peak is hundreds of millions.

A luxury car president: The problem is that Su Ye is not bad money.

Looking at these boring responses, Su Yu did not return.

Pudding: Su Shuai, who bullied you, tell me, I will help you revenge.

Doudin: That's right, hey, no problem.

Su Yu looked at the twins' reply and sneered a little. Just about to put down the phone, they saw Huo Mian's reply.

She said so -

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