My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2513: This kind of hibernation makes people feel bad (a)

"You guess..." Lu Yan naughty spit his tongue.

Joe knows that this girl must have no good things...

"So what are you looking at, guess..."

"I still use guessing? You must want to cut off this munition."

"Smart." Lu Yan extended his index finger and clicked on Joe's head and smiled.

"Smoke, listen to me, this is not a play, can't be noisy... First of all, Ian's old nest, every one of his men fires a shot, and both of us will be sieved. Second, these arms are especially important. If Ian loses it, she will not let us go. Finally... we are now weak and strong, and the strong dragon is not over the head of the snake. We are doing this in other places, is it really good?"

Since Joe has been with Luyan, the days that pass every day must be described as crazy.

No day is quiet, calm and steady, basically every day is spent in the rain of bullets.

These days, the killers killed by the two of them are not one hundred, and there are eighty.

Ian’s men are also a group of people who have been opened by them, plus the Indonesian government.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is embattled.

However, Lu Yan seems to be enjoying it. Every day, he is still studying how to do it with Ian. How to make Ian’s mentality uncomfortable, this is really no SEI.

"Well, I like tricks to die. How can you do it? If you don't do it, you will go back to Russia early."

This sentence is the most common sentence of Lu Yan in these days. If Joe is not in a word, he will return to Russia.

Qiao Fei: ...

"The same is the daughter of Professor Lu, you and the little sister are really big." In the end, Joe Fei gave a pertinent evaluation.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yan only faintly swept his face back. "Crap, Longsheng nine sons, but also different, my sister and I are of course different, my sister is awkward, I am awkward, haha... ...."

Qiao Fei: ...

Joe didn't know what it was at the beginning, and which one was wrong. In this life, he loved the troubles like Luyan.

However, since he loves, he did not intend to change people in the middle.

Although she did not agree with Lu Yan’s adventure to intercept the arms, as long as she wanted to do it, Joe Fei would eventually be willing to be with her.

Luyan watches keep in touch with their hands and always get the latest information.

"Joe metamorphosis, I have already planned, at 10 o'clock tonight, this shipment will arrive at the abandoned factory in the east on time, and then they have received more than 30 people, the delivery is still unclear, wait for them When we got together, when the two groups were separated, we ambushed on the road. I would use their pre-buried explosives to blow up their car. Then when the little cockroaches got out of the car and watched it, I was here. Shooting, causing their attention, you pick up the car at the back, then drive away, drive to the barren hills five kilometers away, after I settle them, they will meet you there."

"Then, we can't leave Pakistan with this batch of things, and the goal is too big."

Qiao Fei is worried that after the shipment is stolen, how to transport it out is a big problem.

"I don't want to let this shipment leave," Lu said.

"What are you going to do?"

"All dismantled, when thrown into scrap into the sea." Lu Yan said very simply.

Qiao Fei: ...

"So you grab this shipment, just to play?" Joe looked at Luyan silently.

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