My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2514: This kind of hibernation makes people feel bad (2)

"No, I am trying to get Ian to plug."

"Well, you won," Joe said silently.

"But the smoke, the purchase is good equipment, you really have the heart to lose the sea?" Joe Fei still feels a pity.

"It's calm, I can study it in minutes, and Ian hasn't seen any good things in the country, so I see it as a treasure."

Joe is ultimately without language.

In today's world, dare to use the words of the country to describe Ian's people, the world in addition to land smoke, can no longer find a second.

Therefore, Joe did not give a nickname to Lu Yan in private, as the dead queen.

It’s definitely a death, and it’s a trick to die...

An island in Indonesia

Ian and Columbia’s mistress mistress are here for a holiday.

"Ian, I don't know why, I am especially obsessed with you." The girl with a good shape, kneeling on the beach chair, let Ian apply sunscreen.

The dark skin looks very elastic, and the blue floral bikini sparkles in the summer.

"The women around me say that." Ian laughed.

"It’s arrogant... It’s right, is there any progress in the development of the new type of **? The old man is still waiting for your news, and he has also smashed a large quantity of goods in his hand.”

Listen, Ian raised his hand and touched his nose. "Sorry, dear, there is really no progress. Professor Lu has been reluctant to show up and can't get in touch. His daughter is also a headache."

"Apart from Lu Jia's father and daughter, can no other person do this?"

"There is no such thing as a medical genius. It’s true that it’s a hundred years of hardship." Ian’s convincing answer.

"So, this is why you are reluctant to kill the woman who smoked the smoke?"

"Not all, Lu Yan, this little Nizi... still has a lot of cute things." Ian smiled at the naughty land smoke.

At this time, the men rushed to report, "Adult."


"Our shipment in Pakistan, 0901, was..."

"Go on." Ian put down the sunscreen in his hand and turned back.

"Being robbed."

Ian listened to the slight frown. "I was robbed by people? Very good, my own territory in Pakistan... so many people stare, and they are still being robbed under the eyes, you can all die."

When Ian was extremely angry, it was calm, so the man was scared to kneel directly.

"The key to forgiveness is that this time the opponent is too embarrassed, and we are also unable to prevent it."

"Speaking to listen, who is so bold and dare to move me?" Ian picked up a cigar and took a sip.

The big smoke circle smoked the eyes of the hand and couldn't open it... a burst of spicy.

"We are not sure, but... if you haven't guessed it, it should be...I am doing it."

"Miss Miss? Very good, it is Luyan." Ian was helplessly laughed.

"Miss II has been active in Pakistan recently, but her whereabouts are very secretive and erratic."

" Needless to say, I know the scent of Lu Yan. If she doesn't want to be found by you, there are ways."

"What should we do now?"

"So a large batch of goods, Lu smoke has been robbed, and there is no way to transport it?" Ian asked with a smile.


"So, you have recently been a little smarter, blocking the whole city, always paying attention to the movements, and once there is a bit of wind and grass, immediately buckle."

"Okay, grown up."

At this time, another man came over with his mobile phone, and he was very respectful. "Adult, Mr. Huo’s phone."

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