My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2542: Divorce crisis (10)

Zhang Manlin wore a favorite sports suit from Huo Mian today, and even the color is the favorite beige color of Huo Mian.

The pattern behind it is a Donald Duck, especially cute.

Under the feet are white sneakers.

When he doesn't go to work, he sleeps with his family or goes out to play. He likes to wear casually.

Every time I dress up like this, Qin Daren is very fond of touching the head of the little wife.

Therefore, Zhang Manlin is so dressed up, really do not know anything, just a very clever hitch?

Or... some people start to do whatever they want to achieve their goals.

Looking at Zhang Manlin's figure flashed, Qin Chu did not leave a trace of the raised mouth, then lowered his head to play with the phone, pretending not to see.

"Hey... Qin, it’s so good, how are you here?"

Qin Chu looked up and pretended to be a little surprised. "How are you here?"

"I am a part-time waiter here, ha."

"Attendant? Your career is really diversified..." Qin Chu said this sentence with another meaning.

Zhang Manlin pretends to be cute and spit out his tongue. "I am such a small people, not as good as your giants. If you don't agree with each other, you will buy a luxury car. I will find a few jobs to earn some money, so I can realize my ideals sooner." ""

"Ideal? What is your ideal?" Qin Chu stared at her face that was very similar to Huo Mian.

"Oh, my ideal is...hehe, secret, don't tell you, have a chance to say later, since we met today, have a drink?" Zhang Manlin offered.

See Qin Chu did not say anything, she sat down and cooked.

Then I picked up the red wine and poured myself a drink. "I grew up in the countryside and I have a good amount of alcohol. Ha, I also secretly sipped my daddy's white wine with sorghum and corn when I was a child."

"You have no boyfriend?" Qin Chu suddenly asked.

"Cough cough... Why are you so suddenly?" Zhang Manlin was drinking, and she was almost scared by Qin Chu's problem.

"It was suddenly thought of, so ask."

"Amount... How do you know that I don't have a boyfriend?"

"Because you have never mentioned it." Qin Chu said with no expression.

"Well, Qin, you won! You really look at the details, I really don't have a boyfriend."

"So I feel very strange."

"What's weird, not everyone is as lucky as our vice president. When you were young, you met Qin, and then the two fell in love with each other."

"Oh...." Qin Chu smiled lightly.

"Why are that expression, I am not right?" Zhang Manlin looked at Qin Chu.

"No, I used to think the same as you thought, but recently I found that there are already some unsolvable contradictions between me and Xiaomian."

"Amount... You will also quarrel with anything? Shouldn't it?" Zhang Manlin deliberately tested the tone of Qin Chu.

"There is nothing wrong with this. Many couples who seem to be safe on the surface may actually be farther and farther away. Maybe there is only family."

"So serious? You are... really quarreled?" Zhang Manlin continued to ask.

"Quanze? Well, Xiaomian, she left home for the first time tonight, went back to her family, and left me and my daughters." After that, Qin Chu made a sip of red wine.

Zhang Manlin’s eyes turned and whispered, then whispered. "I am going to gossip, what is it? With the indifferent character of our vice president, shouldn't it?"

Qin Chumo picked up the phone without saying anything, called up a page, then threw it on the table and let Zhang Manlin see it herself.

Zhang Manlin took a serious look at the photo taken and the news, pretending to be a little surprised. "Amount, is our vice president derailed in marriage?"

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