My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2543: Strong psychological tactics (1)

"It’s so bad that there is no derailment in marriage..." Qin Chu faintly back.

"But the deputy dean is also... too shouldn't it?" Looking at the photos, Zhang Manlin said with a sigh of relief, it seems to have a little bit of inconsistency.

"I was not angry because she was eating with this man. The problem was... I asked her if she was going to work overtime, and did not work overtime with me to attend the dinner. As a result, she did not accompany me to the dinner."

"So... the vice president lied to you, said to work overtime, and then went to eat with the man?" asked Zhang Manlin.

Qin Chu did not answer, just silently silent and silent...

"The man, do you know?" Zhang Manlin asked again.

"Knowing is a classmate in our high school."

"Oh, then, in this case, there should be nothing. The classmates have a meal. Our vice president is not the kind of woman with watery Yanghua. Is it right?" Zhang Manlin pretended to be very good.

"It doesn't matter if the classmates eat, but the problem is that she lent the kid five million."

"Amount... five million, our vice president, she... really rich."

"Not all my money, or the salary of her, do you think that five million is a small number?" Qin Chu deliberately said so.

Zhang Manlin carefully observed the micro-expression of Qin Chu, and then tempted to ask, "Five million things... is it true? Who do you listen to, I think someone deliberately made it? Even if there is money, five Millions are not a small number, let alone classmates, relatives may not be able to borrow, I think Qin Zong you ... or check this matter, don't marry our vice president."

Zhang Manlin seems to be saying that she is talking about Huo Mian, but in fact it is repeatedly emphasized on this matter, which will bring more negative effects to the whole thing.

"I have checked this matter myself. It is impossible to have a fake."

"You check our vice president? I thought..." Said here, Zhang Manlin deliberately paused.

"What do you think?" Qin Chu raised a brow.

"I thought... your husband and wife are so good, they will trust each other very much." Zhang Manlin said.

"Oh, I really believed her before, but recently... Recently, she always went home very late, the children didn't care much, just when they were in the same state as the unmarried, every day in the hospital, early and late, At first I really thought she was very busy, so I understood it, but then I found out..."

"What did you find?" Zhang Manlin asked cautiously.

"I once went to the night with her daughter to eat for her, and found that she was related to a doctor named Dr. Liu Ze."

"Liu Ze? Oh, I remembered it. It was the tall and handsome man who later, the man who dazzled the purple Ferrari... But I heard from my colleagues that he and our vice president are classmates. Since you are a high school classmate, you also The understanding."

"That kind of classmates didn't finish a semester. I and Xiaomian didn't have any intersection with him, so... I feel very sad because of this practice. I also started to disappoint with her. Investigating her, I did not expect to find out that I actually loaned Weidong five million."

"This matter... If it is really what you said, then I also think that the deputy dean she is really too much, and such a good husband does not cherish it."

"So you still feel that our husband and wife are feeling good?" Qin Chu eyes looked at Zhang Manlin sincerely.

The first time I was seriously watched by Qin Chu, Zhang Manlin suddenly felt her cheeks red...

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