My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2544: Strong psychological tactics (2)

"Oh... I didn't think that your relationship has become like this. I always thought... I thought you two are very good... Tell me the truth, I have heard your story long ago, and I also have worship of you. I didn't want to hire you GK at first. I didn't expect you to fire me because of my long face and vice-president. I was thinking about it. You must think that you love your wife too much, so I am This kind of long sense of opposites..." Zhang Manlin whispered, even with a little girl spoiled.

It was originally young, plus this deliberately dressed, and such a tone.

In fact, Zhang Manlin looks pretty cute...

Qin Chu looked at her and slowly said, "How can I dislike your looks, tell the truth, your appearance makes me feel..."

"How?" Zhang Manlin was full of expectations.

"Speak up, you may laugh at me, I think you are especially like a girl's sleep."

"Ah? Is it?" Zhang Manlin had a little surprise.


"That's a great honor. I heard that... the deputy dean of the girlhood, the people are very good...and the character is very embarrassing and very overbearing."

"Yes, at that time, she was really overbearing and overbearing." Qin Chu mentioned these, his mouth slightly raised.

Zhang Manlin contacted Qin Chu so many times. The first time I saw his smile from the heart, it was really -- handsome.

Qin Chu has a face that is almost perfect and exquisite, especially when laughing, it can be described as a smile.

The high value of this kind of best is really not comparable to Su Yu or Huo Siqian.

This is a feeling that has been mythology. At that time, Zhu Lingling sighed that if Qin Chu enters the entertainment circle, he will be able to explode the male stars in seconds.

Nowadays, the high value of pudding and pudding is also a direct inheritance of the father's powerful gene.

With the father's appearance, the mother's talent is smart, it is powerful to the sky.

Zhang Manlin suddenly saw some ecstasy...

"What are you thinking?" Qin Chu asked her.

"Ah... cough... nothing, I feel that you may really love our vice president."

"Yes, I love her very much, but that was the case before, she also loved me very much, now... she disappoints me like this, how can we not feel sad?" Qin Chu squinted.

"Don't be sad, Mr. Qin, you are such a good person will definitely encounter better."

"Forget it, I used to think that Xiaomian is the best, the result? So... I don't believe in women. If we two really make it very stiff, I just want to take my daughter. Go back to the United States to live."

"What? You want to go back to the US? What about the company here?"

"This is very simple, it can be hosted. I used to be in the United States for four years. It is not like this... forget it, don't say these things."

After saying this, Qin Chu deliberately picked up a glass of wine and succumbed to Zhang Manlin's face.

Let Zhang Manlin really think that he is pouring wine.

"General Qin, if you don't give up, I will accompany you to drink, tonight... I will give my life to accompany my gentleman."

After that, Zhang Manlin took up her own cup and killed it. It was extremely refreshing.

"You are really good at drinking." Qin Chu praised.

"Hah, I just told you what to do, I am really hardworking from a young age, I am afraid that even you can drink me, come on, we are not drunk."

After that, Zhang Manlin took the initiative to pick up the bottle and fill it with Qin Chu.

Not far away, the paparazzi screamed at Qin Chu and Zhang Manlin in a dark corner.

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