My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2548: Strong psychological tactics (6)

Qin Chu looked at his beloved wife like this, and suddenly his heart was sprouting.

And I was almost laughed by Huo Mian...

Huo Mian: Are you still laughing? Do you have a conscience?

Qin Chu: Wife, I haven’t finished talking yet, you are too anxious.

Huo Mian: Say it quickly.

Qin Chu: Although the study was installed with a miniature bug, he... I also installed anti-eavesdropping, so I said that we have two conversations, he wants him to listen, he does not want him to listen, he is sure Can't hear it, rest assured.

Huo Mian: Scared the baby.

Qin Chu pulled Huo Mian a hand and slammed it into his arms and held it tightly.

Huo Mian: What are you doing? Spring?

Qin Chu: Well, facing you, it will spring every day.

Huo Mian cheeks red, nest in the arms of Qin Daren... quietly enjoying the feeling of being favored by her husband.

Qin Chu: Sorry, Xiaomian, has not been able to solve this big trouble, so I have not been able to let you and the children live a safe life.

Huo Mian: What are you talking about? Husband, you are already very good, and Huo Siqian is unhealthy in his heart, not a normal person, no one can deal with it. I haven’t said it before. We lost it before, not because of us. Not smart enough, just because it is not enough, Huo Siqian can regard human life as a must, but we can't.

Qin Chu: Well, I understand.

Huo Mian: So husband, you don't want to be guilty, don't.

Qin Chu: Well.

Huo Mian: Then we will start tomorrow... Is there a dispute between the fake and the contradictions?

Qin Chu: Yes, and it may be more serious every day. Even at the end, some dramas pretending to be divorced will be staged.

Huo Mian: Does that need us to go to a divorce?

Qin Chu: No, I don't want to.

Huo Mian: Ha, it doesn't matter, is it acting? It's a big deal. After you get rid of him, you are remarried.

Qin Chu: That doesn't work either. Even if it's fake, I don't want to divorce you, never.

Seeing it, Qin Chu was very concerned about this aspect, and finally Huoming could not convince him.

Huo Mian: Well, okay, then listen to you.

Qin Chu: Well, so you have to be more careful during this time, pay attention to everyone who is trying to reach you.

Huo Mian nodded heavily, "Well, I will."

Recalling the conversation with Huo Mian, and then looking at the big bed that is now empty, although knowing it is a fake, Qin Chu is still quite a taste.

He looked at the phone, it was almost a little faster.

Sighed and turned over, took out a bottle of unlabeled medicine bottle from the dark compartment of the drawer.

Then skillfully open the bottle, take out two white pills, put them in your mouth, and take a sip of water to swallow.

When I returned to the bed again, I just closed my eyes and the phone rang.

He was shocked and happy, thinking that it was Xiaomian, even if he knew that Huo Siqian was listening to their mobile phones, listening to their conversations, and could not say anything too private, Qin Chu felt that listening to the sound of Huo Mian.

But picking up the phone and watching the call show that moment, some disappointment.

He picked up the phone and calmed down, "Ningning?"

"Brother, are you sleeping?"

"Not yet, is there something?"

"Yes, nothing, can I call you so late, I don't know the time difference in China." Qin Ning said arbitrarily.

"Say it."

"What happened to you and your nephew? Quarrel?" Qin Ning asked.

"Douding tells you?" Qin Chu helpless.

"Hah, don't worry about who said it, just ask if you are real?" Qin Ning asked the poor.

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