My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2549: Strong psychological tactics (7)

"This is a bit complicated to say, you don't care."

"That can't be done, I will manage." Qin Ning insisted.

"How do you not obey? Do you understand your own affairs?" Qin Chu frowned and taught her.

"I... my own business, it's easy."

"Is the second uncle done?"

"I will get it sooner or later." Qin Ning is obviously lacking in strength.

"Okay, it's too late, I slept." After that, not waiting for Qin Ning to speak, Qin Chu hangs up directly.

"Hey, brother, I haven't finished yet, you and your nephew..."

When I heard the sound of a beep in my mobile phone, Qin Ning suddenly became like a deflated ball.

"Ningning, what does your brother say?" Tang Chuan asked.

"My brother... I don't want to talk to me, I just hang up." Qin Ning looked sad.

"Hey, look at this meaning, it is really a situation. It seems that Douding has not fooled the trick." Tang Chuan handed the ice cream he had just bought back to Qin Ning.

Then I took out the paper towel intimately and placed it in her other hand. The service was quite in place.

"Isn't that? Although the peas usually don't look like a tune, she won't lie with this thing. My brother and nephew must have a problem. What can I do?"

"Or, I ask... Su Ye?"

"Hey? This is good, you can call Su Yu."

Qin Ning felt that Tang Xiaochuan’s brain turned very fast and agreed with this opinion.

Because foreign countries and countries are sometimes poor, so the United States is the daytime, the country is late at night.

When Su Yu received the call, she wanted to marry her.

"Cushing trough... Tang Chuan, you are rolling back now, believe it or not, hacking you." Su Yu picked up the phone.

"Hah, wait for me to ask the question, Su Ye, you just cut me, you can die without a whole body." Tang Chuan flattered.

"What can't you say tomorrow, you are going to die..." Su Yu also made a lot of fire.

It’s quite uncomfortable to sleep halfway up and get it up.

"Hah, Su Ye is angry, Su is angry, I really have a big deal to ask you, or I dare to call you to death?" Tang Chuan flattered.

"There is something to say, there is a fart to let go, and I am sleepy."

"Yes, yes, small understand, ha, I just want to ask, Qin Chu and Huo Mian."

Upon hearing the name of Huo Mian, Su Yu slowly opened his eyes and then sat up against the bed.

Reach out and press the table lamp on the bed...

"What happened to Guan Xiaomian, what happened? You went on."

Sure enough, when I said that Huo Mian, Su Yu immediately changed with a person.

"I heard that... Qin Chu and Huo Mian have been in conflict for a while, and they have been in the cold war tonight. Huo Mianqi left home and left home, and lost their twins."

"The trough... Who made it?"

"It’s what Bean Ding said, and it’s not rumors. Ning Ning and Qin Chu have made a phone call. The state is really wrong. We wonder, such a big thing, you are at home, you should know?"

"I really don't know about this incident. Is Xiaomian really going back to her family? Have you left your children in Nanshan Castle?"

Su Yu feels that this is a bit of a big deal. People who are so calm in Huo Ming rarely make such impulsive things.

Then, if you want to get angry with your child, what can you like to be angry, can you throw your twins away from home?

At this time, Su Yu has been sleepy, and she is worried about Huo Mian.

"So, you really don't know anything about Su Ye? Didn't there be any omen in the recent past?" Tang Chuan asked.

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