My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2581: Who is serious about this scene? (nine)

"Little Bean Ding... Do you miss me?" Qin Ning is always jeans, loose white short-sleeved dress.

But maybe it's the reason for the weather to pick up. The short sleeves she wears are very short, with navel.

Qin Ning, who has always been conservative, has a small show.

Qin Ning hugged the pudding, and smacked it on the face of the meat, his eyes were a coverless concealer.

"Grandma, this is not Los Angeles, can you wear a jacket?" Tang Chuan put a black coat behind him and put it on Qin Ning, extremely considerate.

"Hey, Don, you have today..." Su Yu laughed too much.

"Single dogs don't understand this feeling. Anyway, what do you laugh at me? I don't know anything about you. I sympathize with you."

"The trough... What is your name?" Su Yu's white eyes looked at Tang Chuan.

"Ha ha ha ha, just kidding, you don't make it so serious." Tang Chuan smiled and patted Su Yu's shoulder.

"Pudding, come and come, my aunt." Qin Ning waved to the pudding standing on the side.

"No, it will make me look like a mouthful," said Pudding.

Qin Ning: ...

"Ha ha ha ha, you will be disgusted." Tang Chuan teased Qin Ning.

"Budding, you don't want to abandon your aunt..." Qin Ning deliberately spoiled.

"It doesn't matter if you dislike you. Don't disappoint Don Tang." Pudding will be jealous.

"This child... It’s really a mouthful." Qin Ning sweat dripping.

After Tang Chuan came back, he was in a good mood. He smiled at the plane and then screamed at Su Yu’s shoulders.

"How come you come, my nephew?" Qin Ning asked.

"Small sleep, she has something to go to the company."

"Oh, Su Yu, do you know what happened to them recently?" Qin Ning was anxious and asked the matter directly.

"This..." Su Yu still does not know how to explain.

"Little aunt, this thing goes back to us to talk privately. As the saying goes, the ugliness can't be promoted." Douding is a serious reminder.

"Amount... well, let's go."

"Don't worry about going back, I want to eat hot pot, no, especially want to eat sea fishing... Mom drops, the death of the Chinese street in the United States is not expensive, not authentic, dying of Laozi." Tang Chuan's face of grievances, Finally, everyone reached a consensus that the group went directly to Haidilao to eat.

Su Yu, Qin Ning, Tang Chuan, with two children.

After Huo Mian came out of the company, he did not go home directly, but went to the Southern District to obtain information.

Today, Zhang Manlin rests, so she doesn't have to look at her face that is similar to her, and she can even imitate her own movements.

"associate dean."

"The deputy dean is coming."

"Is the surgery still going well?" asked Huo Mian.

"Well, everything went well, the patient had just been pushed to the intensive care unit and still in observation."

"That's good."

"Hey? Vice Dean, are you not resting today?" The doctor on duty was curious.

"Ah, come over and take some information, just to see how your surgery is going. The patient is said to have dragged people to find President Wu. Please take care of us."

"Well, we also received a call from Dean Wu, who will take care of it."

"Okay, then I am leaving, you are busy."

After reading Humian, I went back to the office to get the information and planned to go home to sort it out. At this moment, I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Doctor Huo, don't you mind talking about it?"

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