My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2582: Who is serious about this scene? (ten)

"How is it again?" Huo Mian saw Jiang Ye and smiled.

"Hey, it’s not forced by Su, he is... you are more nervous than your husband, and you want to chat with you." Jiang Ye is helpless.

"Hah, Su Yu is like that, he has always been straight, not black or white, will not be loaded."

"I know, Su is actually not hating me, or else I will not cooperate with us this time, but I know that he does not like anyone close to you."

"He feels that my personality is calm, I am afraid that I will be bullied." Huo Yin explained.

"I know."

"You come to me, is there something?" Huo Mian suddenly thought that Jiang Ye seemed to have said something very important to himself.

However, it was interrupted by the arrival of Su Yu.

Otherwise he will not catch up with Nantian Hot Springs.

"Yes, I want to tell you..." Jiang Yegang wants to speak.

Huo Mian interrupted his words in anxiously. "Jiang Ye, I know that you still have thoughts about me, but we are impossible. You know, I have a husband with children, a family, in other words, even if there is no These, I am single, I will not like you, you are not the type of man I like, so don't bother."

"No, Dr. Huo, I actually want to say..." Jiang Ye is anxious to explain to Huo Mian.

"Like this, I invite you to have a meal, it is the last farewell, you will not come to me in the future... I am with you... not even friends, not like Su Yu, you don’t want to What do I get here." Huo Mian is cold and cold.

Jiang Ye is also strange, so the reaction of Huo Mian is so big, and what he said makes him very aggressive.

At this time, he looked at Huo Mian, and suddenly found that Huo Mian’s eyes seemed to have hints.

Jiang Ye is not stupid, so he has been playing in the entertainment industry for many years.

So I immediately realized the meaning of Huo Mian, so I will count on it. "Doctor Huo, I really like you very much, not just playing, I don't want to use those routines. If I lack women, I will catch a lot of entertainment. Everyone is younger than you, good face, good shape, but those are not what I like."

"It doesn't make sense to say that it's useless."

"I know, but I really can't bear to give up on you... So tell you, I saw the media saying that you and your husband have a tight relationship and may even get divorced."

"What about that? What is it about you?"

"Your husband is like that, betray you, he is not worthy of your love, it is better to follow me, I will be good to you."

"Don't make trouble, with you? Then I am not as good as Su Yu." Huo Mian sneered.

"Then you can guarantee that Su Yu will not derail in the future?" Jiang Ye asked.

"Then how can you assure me that you will not derail in the future." Huo Mian laughed and laughed.

"I am different from them. The more a man who is more worried outside, the more loyal the bones are, the more I actually..."

"Well, let alone, here is my office, where I work, I don't want to discuss this with you."

Jiang Ye didn't talk...

"I invite you to have a meal. After dinner, say it is open. Go back to your Kyoto and don't come back to me later."

After talking about Huo Mian holding the information to get out of the office, Jiang Ye followed.

The door is closed...

"Boss, they are out, are we looking for someone to follow?" Acheng asked Huo Siqian.

Huo Siqian put down the monitor and shook his head. "No, Jiang Ye's garbage is not enough. After that, he has no chance to wrap my sleep."

After leaving the Southern District, Jiang Ye and Huo Mian drove a high speed to a remote coffee shop in the Economic Development Zone.

"Doctor Huo, what happened just now? Is there a monitor in your office?" Jiang Ye guessed.

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