My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2592: Huo Siqian's abnormality (10)

"This is exciting..." Lu Yan smiled.

Qiao Fei: ...

"Please, big brother... I don't need any knives to deal with these small shrimps. If it is not because it is a tourist attraction, I am afraid to scare innocent tourists, I will kill them by hand, the knife is not used, but now, still Let's take it for granted. After a while, we will take them apart and lead them to both sides, and then we will quickly decide."

"Good." Qiao Fei knew that Lu Yan had always been a simple and rude personality, so he nodded.

"Three minutes is enough?"

"I..." Joe did not wait for the words, he saw that Lu Yan was wearing a bag wearing a coat, got up and left, and his steps were extremely brisk.

"On the other side, fast, keep up..." After discovering the traces of Luyan, those people immediately swarmed.

At this time, Qiao Fei also took the bag of the coat and got up, and went to the opposite direction of Luyan.

Immediately, those of the high-margin foreigners, the soldiers divided into two ways, respectively, to trace the land and Joe.

Indonesian headquarters

Ian is sitting in front of a white tripod piano and playing the beautiful melodies of Cannon.

"grown ups."

The man was careful to report, Ian still did not speak, seems to have been enchanted in the piano music he played.

"I just received the news and found the trace of Miss Two. Our people... have already followed."

Ian still didn't talk, and he waited until he played, and he slowly got up.

Then fiddle with his fingers and the knuckles creak.


"I received the message five minutes ago. We have already passed eleven people. I have already told them to try to catch the living."

"Five minutes? It seems that it has changed all the corpses now..." Ian said that the clouds were light.

That person is slightly stunned...

At this time, the outside of the door ran into a man, looks dark, looks like a native of Indonesia.

"Adults, our people have been killed..."

"Look, what I just said, five minutes... Luyan is kind enough for you. If you use a gun, it is ten seconds."

"Adult, then we are sending more people."

"Is it still sent to death?" Ian swept his eyes coldly.


"Lu Yan himself is hard enough to deal with. Now there is a big boy in Joe's family, not so good."

"So, do we just watch her smug under our eyes?" asked the subordinate.

"I am proud of my eyes? Hehe... well, I am looking at how long she can be proud of." Ian smiled.

Ian especially likes the game of cats and mice. In those years, the woman who died in his hands, he can't remember how much.

There are fewer women who can make him interested, and basically can't last for three days.

Lu Yan is a person who can keep him interested for several years, and his interest is getting stronger and stronger, so he naturally is reluctant to kill.

The cliff at the seaside.

"Smoke, I think... we are leaving here as soon as possible. Ian is extremely surprised to do things. This place is not suitable for long stays." Joe Fei still feels too risky here, it is a dead act.

"We can't go."

"Why? Do you want to confront Ian now, do you think there is a chance of winning?"

"There is no chance of winning." Lu Yan said the truth.

"What is it for?" To be honest, Joe did not understand the move of Xiaoyan.

Knowing that you are in danger, you still have to stay, this is not to die, what is this? But Lu Yan has never been a person who likes to die? Could it be that……

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