My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2593: Strong land smoke (1)

"Protect my sister... If I can always mess with Ian, he will not have time to check my sister." Lu Yan said that the wind is light.

"Sure enough... I know that I am related to Xiaomianjie." Qiao Fei actually has about a few in his heart.

"My people have been tracking and tracking. Ian has been a big pervert. I have been arrested for several years and I have not caught it... I finally transferred my head to C City, even if Huo Siqian refused to say, I think, Ian's strength, if I try my best to trace it, my sister's identity will be exposed... At that time, she may be like me, live and vain, live without a place, always be chased, I don't want her That...."

"Smoke, you are distressed by your sister, but who is going to hurt you...?" Joe looked at Lu Yan with pity.

"I? I don't need to be distressed. I am a powerful woman.... It is the existence of the sky... Haha, the bomb I have developed now is no worse than me."

"But you are like this to protect the little sleeper, shaking under Ian's eyes, how dangerous it is, you know?"

"Know, the worst result is caught, but if he is caught by him... I won't let him threaten my dad... Ian is a big pervert, he is sure I want my old man to help him study what kind of biological weapons, such as a damaging thing, I will never let him achieve it, so when I was chased by Ian a few years ago, I was thinking, if one day, Really unfortunately fell into his hands, then... I would rather commit suicide, and would not let him take my life to threaten my dad."

"It's easy, you are not afraid of death?"

"I am afraid of death, I will be a mercenary? Over the years, I have been used to blood on the tip of the knife, dancing on the coffin... Joe Fei, this may be my life, I do not blame everyone, my life is actually wonderful enough. I was born with the attention of the world. I am the daughter of the famous Professor Lu and Dr. Lin Ya. Many medical studies have even released a saying that I am dead, I want to study my body and see if it is a genetic mutation. Oh, in fact, this brilliant life is not something anyone can have. I have tasted the sufferings of the world in the past few years at the West Point Military Academy. The soldiers at West Point are the warriors killed in hell. I have never been afraid of death. When I was 20 years old, I already had hundreds of billions of assets in my hand. The richest man in a country is not so free. I can have hundreds of thousands of meals a meal. I can have millions of clothes and I develop myself. A pistol is more than 50 million yuan. These figures are ordinary people's homes, people who can't make them all their lives. I get a life that others can't get, so I am destined to take the road that others can't walk... It is called fair. "

"Small smoke, do you really have nothing to worry about?" When Joe asked this, his expression was a little sad.

He felt that his thoughts on Luyan were not heavy enough...

"Joe, I have already told you that I am not your good person... I am not a person who is suitable for being a wife. You can choose as you are, and there is no need to succumb to me."

"The world is big, I just want a land smoke." Qiao Fei said.

"Why are you?" Lu Yan looked down and felt that he was a little embarrassed about Joe.

"Small sleep sister has husband and daughter, your father and your mother can remember... and you?"

"I..." Lu Yan said to his mouth, suddenly felt so bleak.

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