My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2612: God will let you die, it will make you crazy (10)

"Don't care about her, she is very good... the ability is also very big, from Wei Dong to Liu Ze, from Su Yu to Jiang Ye... those men can't wait to do everything for her."

"Brother, why do you say this, she is your wife."

"She is not right away... just set it."

"I don't want to go, I don't want to leave Mommy. I don't want to leave Mommy here." When Douding thought, it would be sad to be separated from Mommy.

"Then you will stay with your mommy."

"I don't want to be separated from my sister, hehe... there are you, we are always a family, aren't we?"

Douding is crying with tears, eyes are red, especially lovable.

Qin Chu is really distressed, can't wait to immediately hold her daughter in her arms.

But he knows that if he doesn't play a bit more intense, Horsham will not believe it.

By then, this matchup will be endless...

It’s better than quick fix...

"Doudou, no matter what, regardless of whether you can be together with Mommy, you will always be the daughter of the land."

In the end, Qin Chu dropped this sentence and turned his heart to the floor.

"I suspect... you are being lowered, and are we going to look for a wizard?"

Qin Ning knows very well about his brother. Although he knows that his character is cold, he has never been so unrequited.

Especially for wives and children...

So she feels abnormal...

Douding pulled the hand of the pudding. "Sister, you think about it. I don't want to divorce Mommy."

"Now I am not worried about this. After all... I don’t think there is anything wrong with Mommy and Mommy. I am just worried that Su Shuai can clean up the charges." Pudding took the mobile phone and constantly refreshed Su Yu’s intentional wounding. news.

Inside the old house

"Boss, what is this Liu Ze in the end... How can I point the finger at Su Yu?" Acheng gave Huo Siqian a cup of tea and handed it over, carefully asked.

"I am also very strange... How does this person do things in such a way that they don't follow the common sense? Is it because they can't catch up with sleep? Want to get rid of Su Yu? It shouldn't be ah... If you want to get a sleep, you should start with Qin Chu. How can I get Su Yu?"

Liu Ze’s move was inexplicable, and even Huo Siqian could not understand.

"Liu Ze, this person, we have checked before, there is really no suspiciousness. This is really a bad thing."

"Forget it, this is powerful for us... I just heard that Xiaomian and Qin Chu started to argue because of this. I told Zhang Manlin before to provoke Su Yu and Qin Chu. The stupid woman was obsessed with Qin Chu. Without listening to my command, I almost delayed my progress... It’s good now, this Liu Ze, inadvertently helped us.”

"Then we don't need to add a fire now, burn it a little more?" Acheng asked.

"Well, you continue to spread the public opinion, continue to incite emotions, and throw Su Yu in the cusp."

"Even if this is the case, Su Yu will not have anything, and the Su family is too strong." Acheng has some concerns.

"I don't really want Su Yu to go wrong, I want to trip down Su Yu, but it's not that simple. I took the opportunity to let Xiaomian distracted, in Su Yu... Let Qin Chu misunderstand her deeper and deeper, so I It’s much easier to do.” Huo Siqian finally showed a smug smile. He believes that this time, he will succeed in separating Huo Mian and Qin Chu.

Southern District Sanatorium

When Huo Mian arrived, Liu Ze had already woken up and the wound had been bandaged.

"Associate Dean, are you coming to see me?" Looking at Huo Mian, Liu Ze smiled slightly.

"I asked you, is it really Su Yu hurt you? You saw it clearly?" Huo Mian looked at Liu Ze coldly.

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