My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2613: The rain is coming from the wind (1)

"Is the deputy dean only about Su Yu? He is not your husband, why should he be so good to him?"

Hearing that Huo Mian was very concerned about Su Yu, Liu Ze’s eyes showed a fierce light.

"Su Yu is my very good friend." Huo Mian told the truth.

"Then I am also a very good subordinate of yours... Vice Dean, can you be so smug?"

"Liu Ze... I don't mean to turn around with you, now the pressure is so big outside the public... This is so fierce, I don't know if you are deliberate, or unintentional... Why do you want to bite Su Yu."

"It’s me who hurts Su."

"You lied, Su Yu will not do that, he does not know you at all, what motivation is there to harm you?" Huo Mian took Liu Ze, angry.

"He doesn't know me, but he does harm my motives." Liu Ze said with full confidence.

"What motivation?"

"He likes you, the whole world knows." Liu Ze deliberately loud.

"So?" Huo Mian is still calm.

"So when he saw that I liked you too, when I approached you, I naturally couldn't stand it. Especially when I was injured yesterday, I also held your hand. Our hospital was already full of people, who knows Su Yu. Will you arrange eyeliners here and stare at them?"

"You can't say this. Who is Su Yu? If he wants to kill you like that, he can have thousands of ways and he won't do it himself."

"But I can do it myself to hate it. He also told me not to be close to you in the future. This way... I didn’t expect that the deputy dean, you are so attractive, you are married, you can make such a man of the situation, for you. So crazy, the subordinates really admire...." Liu Ze’s words are ironic and contemptuous.

If you have two people before, you are not asking for the friendship of your classmates.

"Liu Ze, what purpose do you have?"

"The deputy dean said, I came to work, I am an ordinary people, what purpose can I have?" Liu Ze refused to admit.

"Don't pretend, you started from the very beginning, and Han Xu made me start the party and started planning everything... I didn't expose you, I was too lazy to have deep friendship with you... but you have been uneasy recently and have been with me. Playing tricks, I thought that the person you want to harm is me, but I didn't think that you actually started to work on Su Yu... Why?"

No one in the ward, Huo Mian did not bend around, and opened the door to see the show with Liu Ze.

"Huo Mian, you are really smart..." Liu Ze smiled proudly.

"But, your imagination is too rich. What you just said is what you think of yourself, haha... You think you are the director, you can make a story like this dog blood, now the injured person is me. Have you seen the medical record? I have broken two hands on my wrist. Is this what I did myself, and I still framed Su Yu? I have no mental illness and I will not slap my hand."

"When you hurt you, do you really see it, is it Su Yu? I warn you, if you make a mistake, the real murderer is at large, when it is time... Maybe it will be the second time for you, Liu Ze... You also Not stupid, to understand the pros and cons of the future." Huo Mian warned him.

Liu Ze certainly knows the meaning of Huo Mian...

But since this matter has been done, it cannot be turned back, and it will not look back. This opportunity has been waiting for him for a long time.

"It’s Su Yu, that's what he did. He wants to kill me." Liu Ze bite.

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