My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2614: The rain is coming from the wind (2)

"Well, since you are so stubborn, then... I have nothing to say, you can do it yourself."

"The deputy dean, you just left, don't look at me, but I... suffered a very heavy injury."

"Oh... Dr. Liu, do you believe in one sentence?"

Huo Mian turned back and sneered a little, watching Liu Ze say a word.

"What?" Liu Zeyi.

"There is good news for good and evil, and good reincarnation for heaven. If you don't believe it, look up and see who is in the sky."

After saying this, Huo Mian turned and left.

Liu Ze’s face has changed and changed...

"Oh... all this is what Su Yu should bear."

After that, Liu Zeyang sighed and sighed, then took a picture from his arms.

The girl in the photo smiles sweetly, and he has tears in his eyes.

"I will not let Su Yu, I will give you revenge." Liu Ze said evilly.

After coming out of the Southern District, Huo Mian drove directly to the city bureau.

Along the way, the radio in the car said this news again, because the incident was sudden, so the major media are reporting.

Liu Zegang came back to the city shortly, and reasoned that it should not be so powerful, inciting the media.

But Su Yu is getting worse...

There is even a very influential media to write this way - the Su family is too arrogant, for the secret love of female doctors to be jealous, a male doctor in the Southern District is seriously injured to death, the law is to give us the people, or give Everyone has decided, can high-ranking children and grandchildren go unpunished?

This kind of radical public opinion is very powerful, and instantly evokes the emotions of the masses.

Everyone has forwarded this on Weibo and WeChat...

Soon after the incident, Su Yu was greeted by Weibo.

Tens of thousands of netizens leave a message...

"Su Ye, come out and explain, isn't you right?"

"Su Yu, I heard that you almost killed, true and false, the rich second generation are so capricious? Even the hired killer is too lazy to hire, directly do it yourself? Tai Te is so exciting?"

"I heard that this is because of Huo Mian, is it true, do you still like that woman?"

"Su Yu, you are a garbage, taking advantage of your grandfather is the head of the army, it is a mistake, I have been forbearing you for a long time, this time you are dead."

"This time, it is really difficult for you to go to jail."

"You are probably the most embarrassed official second generation. You and your grandfather have broken your heart for you. You can have a long snack, boy."

"Su Yu people are very good, don't you, don't you drink too much? Do you have trouble after drinking?"

"The male doctor can be innocent, and he has been cut off for the sake of no reason. I heard that it is good to be rescued in time, or it will die. It is really scary."

These netizens listened to the wind is rain, not only under Su Yu, but also went to Huo Mian's Weibo.

Questioning the relationship between the two people, and then... went to Qin Chu Weibo.

There are even some netizens who have ulterior motives to give a message to Qin Chu directly - your wife seems to have a leg with Su Yu, or can Su Yu almost kill her for her? Your green hat is a bit big, Qin.

After watching Man Wei, Zhang Manlin smiled slightly.

Directly called Qin Chu.

"Qin always..."

"What is it?" Qin Chu is still indifferent.

"The deputy dean just came back to visit Dr. Liu. They talked for a long time alone. Now I heard that I went to the city bureau. Our finances said that the vice president took hundreds of thousands of insurance money and was said to go to bail. Royal, do you know this?"

Qin Chu listened to silence...

"General Qin, now I said outside...The deputy dean and Su Yu are a bit ambiguous. I don't think this is true? After all, is our vice president so good?" Zhang Manlin deliberately said.

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