My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2615: The rain is coming from the wind (3)

"You know, it's really a lot." Qin Chu has a cold tone, and there are words in the obvious words.

"Ah... this is all the city that is now in trouble, and our vice president, come back to visit Liu Ze, the whole hospital knows... really, there are many nurses who have seen it, say Dr. Liu, look at us. The dean's eyes are gentle, but Qin is always relieved. The vice president will not like Dr. Liu because I heard that... Oh, look at my mouth, really, forget it, I Still don't say it, lest you have more heart."

"Let's talk, keep going."

"Don't stop, I don't know if I thought that I deliberately said that our vice president was bad, and broke your relationship. This is too bad." Zhang Manlin pretended to be innocent.

I will embody the three words of my heart and soul...

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are so strong, let me say, I want to hear it. Xiaomian has done something in the southern area." Qin Chu smiles like a smile.

Zhang Manlin can have such performance. To be honest, Qin Chu is somewhat disappointed...

Huo Siqian spent five years cultivating the confidant, should not be so stupid.

In the past, Qin Chu thought that if he wanted to lead Zhang Manlin to wait for a while, he did not expect that this woman would show her feet so quickly.

And before Qin Chu was too high to see her, in fact, she really did not have any skills.

There is even a superficial person inside... If it is not for the purpose of attracting Huo Siqian, he really wants to collapse this disgusting woman.

Especially when watching her deliberately swearing and imitating some details of Huo Mian, it is simply irritating.

It is a pity that Zhang Manlin is unconscious and feels that she is performing very well.

Even thought that Qin Chu was moved to her. After all, she is younger than Huo Mian, is she even more clever than Huo Mian?

"Cough... If that's the case, then I can say it, don't worry."

"You say, nothing." Qin Chufeng is light and cloudless.

"The people in our hospital said that... The deputy dean came here to actually help Su Yu... because as long as we change the mouth of Dr. Liu and do not sue Su Yu, it will be fine, but I heard that Dr. Liu disagreed. It’s not like the disappointment of our dean, so... It seems that compared with Su Yu, our vice president is still more concerned about Su Yu, and everyone said...”

Speaking of this, Zhang Manlin deliberately paused.

"Continue." Qin Chu cold cold opening.

"These are not what I said. After all, I didn't come to the Southern District for a long time. It was said by some of our old employees... They said that Su Yu liked our Vice President for many years. If you didn't come back from the United States, Maybe they are already together, and Su Yu usually goes to the Southern District very often. She often gives us the Vice President what to eat, like a husband... This is true. There is no you in the eyes, Su Yu said that in the end, it is a high-ranking family, or a very heart-warming, Qin, I am afraid... I am afraid that you too believe in our vice president, and finally... she made What is coming, let you tie your heart."

"Well, it makes sense." Qin Chu nodded deliberately.

Zhang Manlin listened to her heart and said, "I know a lot of things, so, Mr. Qin, if you have time, we will find a coffee shop to talk about, just the relatives of my hometown brought me some earth eggs and wild vegetables. Pure green, delicious, I will give you a little."

After that, Zhang Manlin especially looked forward to waiting for Qin Chu’s response...

For a long while, Qin Chu suddenly asked. "Zhang Manlin, do you like me?"

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