My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2896: Horsham is a madman (5)

"I dreamed that I was holding him, being chased by the bad guys... and then running all the time..."

When Huo Mian said this, he was still panicked in his eyes...

"Don't be afraid, say slowly..."

"He said, Mom, you run fast, I protect you behind..."

"and then?"

"Then I refused to go, he pushed me... Finally I saw him fall off the cliff with the bad guys..."

Huo Mian’s shock is undecided...

"Dream is not true." Qin Chu softly comforted.



"I have a bad feeling..."

"What premonition?"

"I think... my baby and I may be in danger." Huo Mian said with a panic.

"Pregnant women really think sensitive and suspicious ... you, you are a doctor, what do not understand, do nightmares because the brain is too much pressure recently, the brain nerves are too tight, so they will be released in the dream ... these are Not really... silly."

"But... you don't think that Huo Siqian is quiet and terrible?" Huo Mian asked with some concerns.

"It is not normal."

"Before Zhang Manlin said that Huo Siqian's wedding itself is a conspiracy. We originally thought that he would have a big move on the wedding day, but... it is so quiet, not normal..."

"Yes, this is a bit strange, but nothing. No matter what kind of ghosts Hossohn is doing, I will not let you have anything. I will say, I will not leave you in one step... Tomorrow you will either be with your child at home, we will The home is now a level one guard. Even if the troops want to break in, it is impossible to have a half-hour high-intensity firepower, let alone the **** of Huo Siqian... or you will go to the company with me, as long as we stay away from it. He has no chance to start."

"Well, maybe I think more... Qin Daren is doing things, I should rest assured."

After that, Huo Mian laughed and continued to spoil in Qin Chu's arms...

After Huo Mian’s second child, she was always restless.

I don't know if I think too much, or I really feel what will happen.

Her sleep quality is not good...

Qin Chu stunned for a while, she fell asleep...

After Huo Mian fell asleep, it took a long time, and Qin Chu slowly got up.

Turn over and down, then in the lowermost mezzanine of the drawer, take out the white medicine bottle and take some unknown drugs from it.

Late at night, Holmes old house

"Boss, why have we been slow to do it..." Acheng was a little anxious.

"Not in a hurry."

"But if you wait any longer, you will miss the best time."

"No, you are wrong, the best time has not yet arrived..." Hoshych laughed with a deep meaning.

"I thought the boss would do it on the night of the wedding..."

"I won't be amazed, Qin Chu must be ready to fight, so I must first relax their vigilance."

"But we don't have much time." Acheng knows that the boss deliberately applied for an additional week with Ian.

Otherwise, it may have already started...

"I have a few in my heart."

Huo Siqian still laughed, but did not explain how to deploy in the end, Acheng is also particularly puzzled, but did not dare to ask.

Six o'clock in the morning

Watching Huo Siqian go out to the group to go to work early, Acheng dared to hide in a corner, and then looked around and determined that no one was there.

I only made a phone call.

"Hey? I asked, he didn't say much, but I think he was going to do it because Ian didn't give him much time."

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