My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2897: Horsham is a madman (six)

"I really tried my best, but you know, our boss is suspicious of life. Even the most trusted one will not say too much. Only in this way, when he specifically arranged the plan, I received a notice. Will contact you."

"Okay, then let's do it first."

After hanging up the phone, Acheng sneaked away.

Qin Chu hung up the phone and went downstairs to the living room to have breakfast.

The family did not get up, only Huo Mian was very early, personally for the Qin Chu omelet, toast, brew coffee.

"Husband, ask what is coming?"

"No, he said, Huo Siqian has never been exposed."

"A city is really credible? Are you sure that Huo Siqian is using a counter-measure?" Huo Mian still has some peace of mind.

Then she pushed a cup of hot coffee to Qin Chu.

"Thank you wife, hard work."

Qin Chu has always been a person in my heart. I never think that this should be done by you.

It is always holding a grateful heart, even if it is the most loved Hugh, he is also true.

“It’s hard to be a family member.”

"A city is a credible person... definitely not the anti-interference of Huo Siqian... because he has a lifeline in my hands."

"Is it the last time that Maggie Cheung and the orphan you said?"

Huomian’s heart was a meal because she knew that Qin Daren had never liked to use children as hostages and threatened people.

"It is the child, but it is not a threat." Qin Chu explained.

Waiting for Huo Mian to talk, he took a sip of coffee and continued, "The child has congenital heart disease and has been looking for a heart transplant for surgery."

"Do you have?" Huo Mian looked at her husband.

"I found it abroad, and Rick helped."

"Speaking of Rick, I remembered it. I don't know how it happened. I haven't sent a message to me for a long time."

"They...may have some trouble."

"Is it something wrong?"

"No, it just happened to have some trouble. After we solved Hosho, we went to the United States again. Besides watching Rick and Sicily, we also convince the next uncle, don't drag Ningning and Tangchuan. ""

"You seem to have a good impression on Tang Chuan. What is it, because people have a big bitch, it gives you a soft heart." Huo Mian deliberately teased him.

"No, I just think that the nature of Tang Chuan is not bad."

"Yeah, in fact, in the four sons... Shen Shao is not bad, just a pity..."

Thinking of Shen Mingxi still in the hospital, Huo Mian felt quite a pity.

"He just loves the wrong person.... Everyone has a life. Huo Huo is now taking care of himself... She is so dead, entangled in high... Nothing will happen... I can only become everyone. It’s just a joke after a meal.”

"Sweet is still small, I hope she will not be like her mother, living in the shadow of her mother." Huo Mian feeling.

Qin Chu bought the city because he seized the lifeline, so his heart was more emboldened and dealt with Huo Siqian.

But what he never imagined was that this matchup was particularly difficult...

A thousand miles away, a chaotic warring country

Inside the bomb shelter

The land smoke of a military green rice camouflage suit is exceptionally cool.

She changed to avoid Ian's pursuit, while dealing with the killer sent by Joe's brother, and also received a billion-dollar business.

With his own hiring group, in this small country, following the chaotic parties that split the country, it was an earth-shattering.

Just think that Luyan’s life is to live for war...

"Joe metamorphosis, after this sale, we will return to the country."

"I want to sleep in a sister?" Qiao Fei looked at the beloved woman and asked softly.

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