My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2900: Huo Siqian is a madman (9)

"Don, I am so miserable... Don't yell at me, okay?"

"Nothing, I asked very seriously, you hurt her so much, even if you break up, should you come to see you?"

"Oh, it is indeed a visit." On the night of the memory of Huo Wei, Shen Mingxi was still worried.

The woman’s words are like a knife, and the sentence hurts the heart.

Can make people hurt...

"Is there any regrets with your apology, what are you doing? After all, you are the gold master who raised her." Tang Chuan asked.

"No, she just made it even worse. I think... we can't go back completely, but I still don't want to tear it down... I think that a relationship is in the end, when it can't go, it's nothing more than a stranger. Don't bother with each other, you won't tear it up, you will die, and you will not break it."

"You are right, I don't think I really want to turn my face with my own woman. After all, I used to be so good. At this point, I am quite you, like a man." Su Yu gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, you two can be ridiculed me soon." Shen Mingxi cried and laughed.

"Then you can not let Huo Wei live and die in the future, she found this woman, and has been going farther and farther on the road of death." Tang Chuan felt.

"What has she done in the past?" Shen Mingxi said.

"It’s just a matter of passing, it’s just sick."

Later, Tang Chuan said that Huo Wei went to the door of the city bureau to make a big noise, how to fall into the heights, how the media splashed dirty water.

Tang Chuan is also really vivid, listening to Shen Mingxi slightly frowning.

"Hey, I said... Shen brother, you tell me the truth, isn't the spirit good?" Tang Chuan asked a serious question.

Shen Mingxi: ...

", she is not like that... I think that our relationship change is from her mother."

Shen Mingxi carefully analyzed.

Su Yu immediately interjected. "Yes, I also heard Xiaomian said that both Huo Huo and Huo Siyi are greatly influenced by their mothers. The three views and the way of being a man from small to large are all instilled by the mother."

"Isn't this a standard? I think Xiaomian's mother is also a small town, and she doesn't understand anything, but why is it so powerful?"

Tang Chuan wonders...

"Your sleeping sister is a genius who picks one of the best, not within the scope of our ordinary people." Su Yu laughed.

"Cut, I boast my sister, you see you excited, and it seems as proud as your wife..." Tang Chuan deliberately teased Su Yu.

"Don't hesitate to talk nonsense, don't open this joke."

Su Yu still pays great attention to these, although knowing that Tang Chuan is just saying it, it is harmless.

However, I still don't want to involve married, and with the second child's sleep, fearing that it will have a bad influence on her.

Shen Mingxi looked at Su Yu with envy.

"I really envy you, Su Ye."

"Envy me, Wannian single dog."

"I envy the woman you like, worthy of..." Shen Mingxi smiled.

"Hey, don't think so much, you are also ignorant of people... After you know it, you are far from Huo Wei. This woman is really a mad dog, catching people biting... I have a hunch, she I’m going to make it to the end. Really, it’s not that I curs her... I just think that she’s doing this, she must have no good results.” Su Yu said frankly.

Shen Mingxi squints slightly, and has a lot of troubles... For Huo Wei, he doesn't love it, and he doesn't hate it.

So if Huo’s accident, he will still be sad, this is a fact of ironclad.

late at night

In a remote suburb, Huo Wei parked his car on the side of the road.

"What do I want? Have you got it?" Huo Wei asked the opposite man who could not see what he looked like.

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