My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2901: Huo Siqian is a madman (10)

"Brought it."

"give me."

"Do you have money, did you bring it?" the man whispered.

"The money is here, you are a little bit."

Huo Wei took a canvas pocket and threw it, and the man grabbed it.

Then open it, take a photo with a flashlight, and touch the texture of the money.

After the final confirmation, the talent handed a black crock in hand to Huo Wei.

"This thing is very powerful, you better be careful."

"I know." Huo Wei said.

"You better not open it yourself, don't be out of curiosity, and deny that you are regretting it."

"Don't be jealous, take your people, pay your goods." Huo Wei was a little impatient.

The man saw Huo Wei so ignorant, and no longer said more, holding the money and leaving with a cold voice.

Huo Wei took a black crock, got on the bus, and drove home.

When she came home, she was still not sleeping.

"Mummy... are you back?"

The child flew over and hugged Huo's thigh.

"Well." She was impatient.

"Mummy, what is this stuff?" The little girl curious about the black earthen jar in the hands of Mommy.

Just reaching out to touch, but was beaten in the hands of Huo Wei.

Awkward, redeem the child's hand...

"do not move."

"Oh... Mommy, why are you murdering me?"

"This thing can't be moved, do you know?"

"Know, Mommy..."

Looking at the child's pitiful look, Huo Wei is also somewhat soft.

She put a black crock on the side, then knelt down and hugged sweet.

"Baby, Mommy is doing the last thing, when it's done, let's get out of here... okay?"

"Why are you leaving here, isn't it good here? There are kindergartens, my good friends, and Shen Shushu..."

"There is no room for us here. You and Mummy will leave here this time... After we avenge our grandmother, we will leave and will not come back later."

"Mummy, what is revenge?" Sweet face innocence.

"This... Mommy will tell you later."

After comforting her daughter, Huo Wei went upstairs and began to pack her bags.

She has already booked a flight to S City, where Huo has already assembled the house through an intermediary.

After she finished the incident, she left with her daughter. The house and the car here were entrusted with training to help sell it.

She changed her hand into a lot of cash, and then she and her daughter planned to go to S city.

At the very least, I have to live for a few years to say...

Because she knows that after this time, Qin Chu is estimated to chase her at the end of the earth...

When I packed my bags, I accidentally pulled out a tie from Shen Mingxi.

It is his favorite, she used to save money for a long time to buy him, the meaning is different.

Unfortunately, now he has even left his tie...

Huo Wei looked at the tie for a long time, then carefully put the tie and put it in the trunk.

Between Shen Mingxi and perhaps there is only the last commemoration.

After everything was finished, Huo took her daughter to sleep.

At 4:30 in the morning, she got up and got out of bed, and then went to the back door of the Southern District Sanatorium.

She will hand over the kraft paper with the money.

"This is 50,000 yuan." Huo Wei said.

The man did not speak...

"No matter what method you use, put this thing in the office of Huo Mian." Huo Wei confessed.

"The deputy dean has been on vacation for a long time." The voice of the man was a little old.

"I have a way to get her back today, just let it go."

After hesitated for a moment, the man slowly reached out and took over the heavy 50,000 yuan.

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