My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2902: Huo Siqian is a madman (11)

Seeing that the man took the money, Huo Xiao smiled smugly.

In fact, she did not expect that one day she could make a fuss with Huo Mian.

I once thought that I and Huo Mian could be friends, just like everyone else.

The so-called other people are Zhu Lingling, Jiang Xiaowei, who...

However, this time, the mother's death must be done by Qin Chu, whether it is Qin Chu and Su Yu, it must be related to Huo Mian.

The most painful thing for the two men, simple and rude, is to lose sleep.

Even people like Huo Huo can see the truth, showing how heavy the love of the two men is to Huo Mian.

Nanshan Castle

When Huo Mian listens to Qin Chu, choose one, either at home or go to the hospital.

Huo Mian chooses to take a vacation at home because she can match her daughters.

It’s hard to be idle for a while, and to make some handmade cookies and chocolate for the children during the day.

In the evening, I will accompany the children to watch cartoons. Some parent-child programs can be prenatally taught by the way. The days are very pleasant.

When Zhixin sent WeChat, he also made fun of his sister and said that after marrying into the giants for many years, he finally lived a life of less grandmother.

Huo Mian also followed the laughter...

"Don't talk nonsense, OK, I will take the children to eat in the past tomorrow, you let the mother give us some pizza, make a tomato cucumber soup, okay?" Huo Mian laughed.

"No problem, old lady, you come back, just think of dinosaur meat, Mom wants to do it." Zhixin continued to joke.

"I see you like a dinosaur, okay, don't say it, we're going to cook soon."

Huo Mian said that he had hung up.

But immediately after the hospital's phone call came in, it was the number of the station.

"Hey? I am Hibern."

"The deputy dean, this is the case. Our hospital has just received a patient with a heart attack. It is very serious and requires surgery. The doctor on duty at the cardiology department thinks that the operation is too difficult, so let us ask you what to do?"

"Calling to the first hospital and dispatching people." Huo Jin came up with an idea.

"But the first hospital there is now a patient with a heart bridge, and the card is not open during the operation." The little nurse was particularly anxious.

"What about Dr. Zhao from the Cardiology Department? Isn't her family not far from the hospital? Call her and say what I mean, let her work overtime."

"Before, Dr. Zhao is on vacation, and his wife and wife are on vacation in Hong Kong."

"This..." For a time, Huo Mian was also embarrassed.

"Otherwise, you should discuss with President Wu, and make a decision quickly. After all, the time is not waiting for people, the patient is very sick..." The little nurse urged.

"Don't discuss it, President Wu is meeting in Kyoto. It's a matter of time. This kind of little thing will not bother him. So, you are going to prepare for the surgery. I will pack the things and go straight, about ten minutes, then start the operation immediately. ""

"Wow, deputy dean, come on, that's great..."

"Well, wait for me."

"Then I put the information in your office drawer, you come to take a look, then go to the operating room No. 3 to find us."

"it is good."

Homonia nodded, then hung up the phone...

Then she picked up her jacket and got up.

"Mummy, why are you going, eating dinner soon? I am also calling and coming back on the road." Douding said.

"The hospital has some conditions, and I will go back and deal with some."

"But is Mommy not on vacation? And Mommy is the leadership of the hospital, not the frontline medical staff, do not need to fight so?" Doudou flat mouth, obviously do not want Mommy to go.

"Doudou... Mommy is the vice president, but..." Huo Mian paused here.

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